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A Moment in Time - Descending in Desire of Darkness

A Moment in Time - Descending in Desire of Darkness


Chapter 1 Begin

Word Count: 3446    |    Released on: 10/09/2021

riage, which las

ng that only the other versions would see, it changed his pra

e realized that it was more ... Sexual, not emotional, he had difficulties c

ime la

at Selina was relatively well in the mansion, or l

d towards the police station, arrivi

s waiting

a mission to rescue Kara from Apokolips, he felt guilty, and wanted to talk to

e was? - He

aid Alfred, he realized th

...? - Bruce asked walki

tealing. -

That was t

urs later, he asked to enter the interro

y of domestic violence of aggression against women, much less feminicide, he had

n, that she cried with

attention to me.

teal because their husbands don

our son.

y Rules. -

ave a baby insid

my rules. - Bruce said, when he got s

ention. - Bruc

pay attention

e took his belt off his pants to hit her, which was not the drop, in the middle of Selina kickin

hat moment, there was no evidence, bribing polic

g her out of there, the anger and betrayal were greater, in fact, he talked to Ama

n by her husband, they put it in the crime exam that the injuries we

l awaiting trial in jail, this time, he would m

a had a fit and almost

ld have known that nothing between them would work, which

but there were rumors, that the divorce was quick and fell in the mouth of the people, the

s lover, from villains to pickpockets, who had occasional deals , which in the end became a c

teus, thankfully that Alfred traveled, practically drugged and put on a p

a, who was caught in the middle of a robbery, along with

y Batman in his escape , which he did on the way back, when he ar

een alleys, when a policem

d have caught her, halfway

ll testify against her, all for

ator of the largest diamond in the world, and the jewels in

it, to differentiate herself from the Catwoman, as if another cat outfit with electric

and he could not stay married so long with Selina if he continued like that, which he didn'

than she, that somehow Selina was taken to t

iscarriage, due to the fall, even though he said she should have stayed at home or expect

rkseid and returned to pick up thieves from a mu

e, Bruce ma

uce said. – Or more than tw

fered a coffee towards the butler, when t

ould be a year, not to stay there, so he c

rom him , putting Alfred drugged in the direction of a priv

ce's who would keep an eye on Alfred and not let him

ly about rights and kidnappings,

o a man who had treated him like a son and was a supposed father to h

know every part of the planet earth, he would have a guide who would keep an eye on him

me, I did everything for you .

nd, what's going o

ore a year, there's no use in that, I nee

any of that. -

red, for withdrawals and certain amounts, they would have to call m

this is kidnappin

did not include Alfred, nor his prio

did I arrest you somewhere, I'm sending you towards various par

uldn't have to worry about her for

did, it would be a fugitive, at that time, would have time to pla

boys, and also a plan to keep aw

e a few week

ks la

would enter, but with demons who would , that was just an invitation

d, it wasn't against the rules, but nei

ter the de

hquake, he fell from the crater, falling towards cracks

oration on it, its thin point, with a thick exte

didn't know if he was going to die from the hemorrhage, o

l itself that made him break his column, he did not move, abov

t of the tip of the pointed rock, had pierce

. - Super

erson, but I don't think

arrive. - Sa

ruce tried. - Stay

eautiful. -

ad on that floor, his body in Bruce's, feel

I had faith in you, that you wo

- He requested. -

avy, Kal. -

a beautiful person, he did not know if it was a man or a woman, w

me. - Said

from the arm that was not pierced, whose blood spread on t

said, you're calling me, he h

sciousness when, he heard a


uake and it was not destructive beca

properties of Luthor, which in the meantime was an old building,

o studies they were sending, scholars and archae

s of Metropolises the whole city, had other constructions that they were researching, amon

ed, that for more than a month

interest, besides that there were many relics and monuments, besides

dragon, there was the shape of a man in the center and at the end a hybrid form between

ed a few wee

were hired and he wa

o be poor, and ne

his afternoon with a headache, and headed towards the cave, he was w

if a miracle arose and

adache really increased to

week, he had some tests

e was no stage 5... which would be

would prevent that if he told anyone

come up with a miracle beyond the lazarus pits, or if he earne

nless he could do it in a way that would have less c

e needed some time away, he wouldn't even live, h

mplications, everyone there, needed a break, a sabbati

ly said, when he had an urgent meeting in the watchtower gat

of the month, I'll travel. - Said. - And if

n the justice league. - Bruce said.

oing to do, bat?

self-discovery, and tra

me back later

won't be going ba

oo old to fight

ppearing stronger t

o go back for now, I h

ap year. -

e bones that I stil

y old age that is c

ht anymore, at least

he new generatio

ithout you, ba

- I will travel at the end

e holograms, and was seen on all televisio

, like Lucifer and Neron and the others who appeared be

uds and buildings of Gotham City, Metropolis, Central

lis buildings and tried unsuccessfully to punch t

- Said Lucifer. - But to propose

roes a way to earn money. that will

y are not obliged to do if they

ked Superman. - Do you think we will do so

y do. - Said Trigon. - You will receiv

without being obliged to do so, must, if they want t

may not kill by spontaneous will. - Said T

at its end a box of dollars, opening them, and revealing to everyone appearing

Said Trigon. - They are no

must decide whether to k

ble to leave it in less than two weeks, those w

dcast on all television channel networks, and nothing else was sai

tory, everyone there, felt t

only the heroes

eing there around him the black tower w

t be. - Sai

for money, a hero

ting in the watchtowe

a demonstration and a press conference, about the danger of Superman, tha

chair being occupie

gain to give mon

wer ourselves? - Rav

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1 Chapter 1 Begin2 Chapter 2 twice3 Chapter 3 come o4 Chapter 4 begin5 Chapter 5 begning6 Chapter 6 begin7 Chapter 7 next8 Chapter 8 the next9 Chapter 9 chapte forth point one10 Chapter 10 forth on11 Chapter 11 the next12 Chapter 12 the next13 Chapter 13 the next14 Chapter 14 the next15 Chapter 15 next16 Chapter 16 then net17 Chapter 17 thext18 Chapter 18 the paxt19 Chapter 19 the day past20 Chapter 20 the day after21 Chapter 21 the day22 Chapter 22 the day begnning23 Chapter 23 continued24 Chapter 24 continued25 Chapter 25 continued26 Chapter 26 continued27 Chapter 27 continued28 Chapter 28 continued29 Chapter 29 Next30 Chapter 30 Next Time31 Chapter 31 Continued next time32 Chapter 32 Next time in continued33 Chapter 33 Next Time34 Chapter 34 In The Next35 Chapter 35 In the continued36 Chapter 36 Next37 Chapter 37 next issue38 Chapter 38 next 39 Chapter 39 next begin40 Chapter 40 next 41 Chapter 41 next42 Chapter 42 next43 Chapter 43 strong in the next44 Chapter 44 stronger next45 Chapter 45 in time strong46 Chapter 46 the strong47 Chapter 47 the time strong48 Chapter 48 falling in strong love49 Chapter 49 begin falling50 Chapter 50 falling out51 Chapter 51 fallout out52 Chapter 52 fay ong53 Chapter 53 going on54 Chapter 54 gon on55 Chapter 55 going oning56 Chapter 56 oing on57 Chapter 57 oing oning58 Chapter 58 oing on59 Chapter 59 on there60 Chapter 60 on in out61 Chapter 61 on there in out62 Chapter 62 of shore63 Chapter 63 half hour64 Chapter 64 ends of out65 Chapter 65 next time66 Chapter 66 half time67 Chapter 67 in the time68 Chapter 68 all the pleasure in the time69 Chapter 69 desires in time70 Chapter 70 in desires71 Chapter 71 in between pleasures and desires72 Chapter 72 fifith times73 Chapter 73 in a middles of land74 Chapter 74 enter of slowing75 Chapter 75 going on76 Chapter 76 master peace77 Chapter 77 mystery78 Chapter 78 on there79 Chapter 79 mercury80 Chapter 80 on the floor81 Chapter 81 lost the bet82 Chapter 82 on the rules83 Chapter 83 ont he won84 Chapter 84 bright85 Chapter 85 union on the air86 Chapter 86 on the wonder ful87 Chapter 87 wonderful lines88 Chapter 88 oner goal89 Chapter 89 honor roarck90 Chapter 90 finishing working91 Chapter 91 finishing days92 Chapter 92 being day93 Chapter 93 washing in a rain94 Chapter 94 naked and walking95 Chapter 95 Repeting and restoring days96 Chapter 96 in the resting in a tecnology97 Chapter 97 walking and sleeping98 Chapter 98 panic and courage99 Chapter 99 the best100 Chapter 100 safra