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His Little Wolf

Chapter 5 A new Alpha

Word Count: 1578    |    Released on: 10/09/2021


y, my pack. They were kind people, always helping where needed and I kne

g to fight for any one of them but truthfully whenever I

ruth is I couldn't stand them. They were Omegas weak and pathetic. I may have Omega bloo

I'd feel so angry, how dare he order me around! how dare anyone tell me what to do like a mere peasant! I'm the

ving and protective puppy dog act. It was time to change things and finally, take my place as a rightfu

g was better than putting up with those pathetic excuses any longer. I also had a backup plan and I'

alk away, my backup plan was to kill every single fucking one of them including my sad excuse

dy absolutely beautiful, by the time she's 18 she's going to be the

nderage however on her 18th birthday she is mine. I know her dad keeps her and Bella in their o

them Beth will never forgive me so instead I'm going to be Mr nice guy and sug

efully and I would let him live. He'd be welcome to stay in the pack as a warrior and neither he nor his family would come to

refuse me! I couldn't believe it! so I went another route and instead of an offer I give him a

u believe it? so yeah his laughing at me filled me with anger I've never felt before but it also filled me with excitement becaus

y was and he refused to admit I was more, he thought that little of me that he didn't even set a

n't know was I had a whole plan b worked out

look after my sister for 2 days while my parents went away for their anniversary and I had no choice but to

tic I run into a group of 4 Rogues. Ohh I was more than ready to sink my

then she spoke just one single word "MATE" at the same time Tristan scream

e and an Alpha doesn't have a Rogue as a mate. Clearly, the moon goddess loved to play jo

r my mate and Luna, however luckily for me I'm a fast thinker

at I'd need to take my time with, time is something I didn't have, I wanted shit done ASAP. L

a but sadly died when I was 14 and as I was too young to take over as Alpha his Beta agreed he would until

I had confronted him and he'd told me I'd never take the title from him and it wil

s when we've lost members of the pack. And exactly as I have predicted she said she

help me kill the Alpha but wanted something in retu

and their Alpha was killed so they ran and the rest they meet along the way, all wolves wanting a pack. I told him for

ed to me then they are welcome. I need to start my pack somehow and anyone

r she would be killed in the fight, of course, I wouldn't kill her I could

yway, the pain of my mate dying would have been incredibly strong had we been bound by mating and marking which is why I stopped it from happening to

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1 Chapter 1 Meet Bethany and Isabella2 Chapter 2 Mrs. Thompson3 Chapter 3 Meet future Luna Brooke4 Chapter 4 Meet Beta Liam 5 Chapter 5 A new Alpha6 Chapter 6 The downfall of the MoonShine pack7 Chapter 7 Clawmoon pack8 Chapter 8 Beta Liam's got a mate 9 Chapter 9 A new home10 Chapter 10 Little wolf 11 Chapter 11 My Little Luna12 Chapter 12 3 weeks later 13 Chapter 13 I remember14 Chapter 14 Beta Liams angry15 Chapter 15 Time for my rightful title16 Chapter 16 Alpha Marcus ceremony17 Chapter 17 Sleepover at the ceremony18 Chapter 18 Where's Bethany 19 Chapter 19 He wants you 20 Chapter 20 Rescue me 21 Chapter 21 Time to leave22 Chapter 22 4 weeks later23 Chapter 23 Retail therapy24 Chapter 24 Jonah takes control25 Chapter 25 Brookes Luna ceremony26 Chapter 26 Look whos back27 Chapter 27 A new day, a new mate28 Chapter 28 What's happened to him29 Chapter 29 bethany's pain30 Chapter 30 Gamma Jack31 Chapter 31 Sleepover at Ashley's32 Chapter 32 Liam suspects33 Chapter 33 1 month later34 Chapter 34 Ashley's birthday35 Chapter 35 Party time36 Chapter 36 Where's Jacoby37 Chapter 37 She's not your mate38 Chapter 38 your not my mate39 Chapter 39 It's not my baby40 Chapter 40 The next morning41 Chapter 41 The games up42 Chapter 42 Banish the spell43 Chapter 43 The truth44 Chapter 44 Bethany's closure45 Chapter 45 He's a dead wolf46 Chapter 46 He's back47 Chapter 47 Beta Liam's regret48 Chapter 48 Making it up to you49 Chapter 49 Will he, won't he50 Chapter 50 Mates, mates, mates51 Chapter 51 Your time is coming52 Chapter 52 He will suffer53 Chapter 53 Ring of fire54 Chapter 54 Goodbye Jacoby55 Chapter 55 4 months later56 Chapter 56 A new family57 Chapter 57 Meet Willow Michealson58 Chapter 58 A future Alpha is born59 Chapter 59 The birthday girl60 Chapter 60 5 months later61 Chapter 61 His little wolf62 Chapter 62 2 years later...63 Chapter 63 It's almost time64 Chapter 64 He's my mate65 Chapter 65 She's mine66 Chapter 66 Dreams can come true67 Chapter 67 A date for the ball68 Chapter 68 A night of mates69 Chapter 69 Time for us70 Chapter 70 Just the two of us71 Chapter 71 I love you72 Chapter 72 The next day73 Chapter 73 Epilogue