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The Vampire's Curse

The Vampire's Curse


Chapter 1 The Beginning

Word Count: 1331    |    Released on: 17/09/2021

aged. His skin was as pale as the moon and his fangs were the sh

only live during the night however he's different, he walks along th

yet he never shows himself to anyone. Whoever d

him "the d

The world is a battle ground, a pris

owever, there was a man; a beast-they call

s the cur

at change

changed, and the peop

adow. Long time ago there was a tale of love inside him bu

he human begged on his knees

," he

rison. The beast himself appeared through the wind. His eyes wer

and the beauty he possessed proclaimed

r mercy." he grinned reve

But that didn't last for a second, his gratefulness vanished and l

screamed out of fea

fingers buried upon his neck, a

h fulfilled his hunger however, it

ll for death-n

o get it but what human beings don't understand is how to achieve it–and n

to refrained punishment but, instead they cursed him into a beast.

hey really never intend to give it to him at last. Th

ked through the hallway of the secret pr

cried for the last time. His time stopped th

rough and raised

he stammere

he kick of his courage saved his fleash from being teared upon his belligerent fa

the vampire took a chain out from the fire. It was

eat slowly kills him. Enable to punish the strong they had

ed, such as his howls are fill

ver... beg ... m

which is hereby followed by a prolong scre

s his body that was encircled by the blazing hot chain which teared the barriers of his skin,

ut rather walk on his way towards his own death. Severely pai

ker than any m

body of those human he devoured. As long as the moon hasn't vanished

s covered with a thick fog. As his body is covered with a long

e blood upon his long slender hands kee

ck of a wood branch behind him. In a matter of seconds, he vanish

action, she knew from that moment

red intimidating eyes. She gulped in

red anxiously, as her body tried to

ng her eyes probably from expecting that he would devour her for seeing his entire face but her assump

pregnant." she begged in a

his eyes were still on her. Scruntin

e know

reincarnation of the only woman he ever loved lon

n he love would ptotect him against the world, and loved him despite knowing he's a beast himself howeve

he cried and shakened out of fear. He was disappointed an

you, have merc

her and stood up. He looked at her like a ru

child's 18th birthday she will be mine. Any opposing actions no

be the con


ever seen again. When the woman gave birth to the child

has evoked the vampire's curs

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