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Part Of Me

Chapter 3 Dream, is it a dream

Word Count: 981    |    Released on: 17/09/2021


royed classroom feeling super scared and frustrated. The entire classroom was already in rumb

one and quickly ran to it. I tried to get it open but it wouldn't budge. A

down my cheeks. What was the point of screaming? Nobody was going to

he sound again. The sound which h

squeezed my self out of the classroom and began to run. To where? I didn't know. I had to run to a place away from bomb and the terrorist. As I ran away from the classroom, something made me stop in my tracks and sent shivers down my spine. It was the sight of the dead bodies in front of me that made me stop

e if anyone one was here but he only met the pile of dead bodies. He smilled with satisfaction as he stepped on the head of one of the dead kids until the head disambled. My eyes widened with horror at this sight and I was on the verge o

. “Do you know what would have happened if you had scr

is expression softened as he realized that I was petrified from what I had just seen. I

He released me from the

going to be alr

I wiped my tears away. He shr

thing is not going to be alright". He smiled at

re of what to say. Finally he joked, "not everyone, we both are st

d me. "Where will we

cue, we both heard another bomb being thrown again. I instantly started crying again."I do


shaking violently and my heart, on the verge of ripping out of my chest. I tried to reach for my medicine and a glass of water on

y room and all I saw were smoke and dust."I can't breathe! Help! I can't breathe! I

reams from her room and quickly made for my room. She quickly brought me back onto my bed. Going over to the bed's side drawer, she took

help my avni" my mom prayed as sh

to die! I y

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