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The Virgin Stripper And The Playboy

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1641    |    Released on: 19/09/2021

ess. "Well am sorry sir but she doesn't accept special invitation" She replied. I arched my eyebrows. "What do you mean Miss O?" I asked furiously. "What I am saying Sir, is that she do

Miss O? Please talk to me already and stop keeping me in the dark" I said getting scared already. "Is she planning to fire me? Oh good Lord I hope not so.... What will be my fate? How will I be able to provide for my younger sister if she fires me?" I thought as tears pricked my eyes. I blinked hard to stop myself from crying. I really don't know what I will do if she fires me.... I managed to get a hold of myself. "Good fortune has finally smiled on you Meria" She announced. I gulped nervously... "Good fortune? Are you increasing my pay Miss O?" I asked anxiously "No Meria... But this is more than payment increase..." She said as she tapped me. "Then what is it?' I asked impatiently. "The thing is you are going to get two million dollars in just two hours" She said as I gasped. "What? Really?" I screamed in delight. "Yes! Really...." She said as I laughed heartily. "How? Is there anyone I'll be dancing for?' I asked anxiously "Actually a billionaire watched you strip and dance tonight and he just wants two hours with you for two million dollars" She announced. My countenance changed immediately I heard her say that. I sighed loudly as I rolled my eyes. "What do you mean Miss O? Two hours dancing for him?" I asked Miss O scoffed as she nudged me. "Eish... Stop being such a big baby Meria" She rolled her eyes. "I don't understand you Miss O" "Don't you know what a man and a woman does when they are alone or do you want me to tell you everything" She said with a corky voice. I breathed heavily before speaking. "And did you tell the so called billionaire my working rules?' I snapped angrily. "Tch... It's a lot of money we are talking about here Meria" Miss O blew her bubble gum noisily. "I don't care how much it is, tell him I am not interested Miss O.... He can go to hell and burn to ashes with his money" I said with a tone of finality. Miss O stared at me in astonishment. She could never bring herself to believe any girl would turn down money offer. Well I am a goddamn exception... Just because i am a club stripper or dancer doesn't make me a whore. Besides I'm only doing this to earn some money for the upkeep of my sibling and I. "Are you really serious girl? Or do you want to think about it?" Miss O asked trying to make sure. I scoffed "Miss O... There is nothing to think about here.... Go tell him I am not interested" I said boldly again "It's a very huge some of money and..." Miss O said but I quickly cut her off. "I don't need it" I said as Miss O nodded her head. "OK! I'll let him know" She said as she walked away still stealing glances at me. I tut loudly as I signalled Suzy to come over. "What's up? What did

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