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The Virgin Stripper And The Playboy

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1554    |    Released on: 19/09/2021

Words refused to come out of my mouth as I only stared at her. How dare the bi+ch....?? Does she really know who I am? I wanted to slap her back or maybe kick her but I just controlled myse

n the calmest voice I can at the moment. He laughed hysterically as I only gulped..... "I get whatever I want Meria" He said with a mischievous grin. Oh... He even knows my name,,,, "And I am an exception Damon.... Stay away from me,,, like as far away as possible" I said as I turned to leave but he held my wrist tight. "I Am gonna spoil you with money you know" He said smiling. Actually his sight alone irritates me so badly. I snatched my hand from him and I gnashed my teeth in annoyance. "I never told you I needed your money,,,,, take it elsewhere and spoil someone else" I said as he burst into laughter and I flinched. "And what you don't know is that I get whatever it is that I want" He said as I pushed him aside roughly. "I guess everything has an exception,, if you would excuse... I would like to take my leave" I said as I stormed out of the office So annoying.... Which part of I am not interested don't he understand.... Just because I am a stripper doesn't make me a hoer.... I have dignity,,,, I was on my way downstairs when I met Miss O at the stairs. "How did it go Meria?" She asked with a smile. "Go ask your customer" I fired as I rushed off This is all Miss O's fault.... I quickly rushed out of the building and flagged down a cab and hopped in. Miss O's Pov: I scratched my head in confusion as I rolled my eyes. I watched Meria rush off... "What exactly happened? Why is she so cranky?" I thought within me as I rushed upstairs too. I walked into my office and to my utmost surprise,,,,, my stuffs were all scattered on the ground. I gasped in shock as I heard another shattering sound. I saw Damon,,,, he threw my glass of wine on the ground and it shattered. He has been the one scattering my stuffs in annoyance."Sir Damon?" I called as heaps of books landed on my head. I groaned in pain. "Shut your trap you old fat hag" He said as I flinched in fear. "What happened? Did she....??" I said as he quickly cut in. "She turned down my offer" He said almost screaming. I breathed heavily. "I have many other beautiful willing strippers you know" I added as he glared hard at me. "Will you keep quiet... You know it won't take me five minutes to have this your good for nothing bar closed down" He said and I quickly kept mute. "That's Meria for you... She's always determined" I said as he grinned mischievously. "I don't care how determined she is... But I also am determined,,,,, when ever I want something I always get it" He said as he stood up. "Why not get someone

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