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Chapter 1 HAZEL

Word Count: 1365    |    Released on: 21/09/2021

if I don't leave now then I'm going to be late for the interview, and God forgive me if I don't kill myself

ho if I allowed, would never stop her greetings, she would be like, 'Hazel, the weather is so beautiful today' 'Hazel, did you watch the news last night, poor man couldn't believe his wife had been cheating on him for years' let me clarify you, she hardly watches the news but one TV drama that always play in the evening at 9:00, to her, everything is news. I pressed the ground floor on the button and smiled to my other neighbor who happened to catch the door before it closed, good thing he noticed I'm not in the mood to talk. I dashed out of the building immediately the elevators stopped and lucky me, a cab was just dropping someone off so I boarded it, calling out my destination to the driver. Wanting to lick my lips as a habit, I remembered my lip gloss so I didn't, looking out the window and sending series of prayers to heaven that I should not be late and that I should get the job, I have always wanted to work in J&R Corp, it would be a dream come through should I get the job. I finally saw the fifty storey building come into view and I suddenly turned giddy, I can't believe that there is a possibility by tomorrow, I would start working there. I paid the driver and climbed out of the car, rushing to get inside the building when I passed a flashy car with a window like mirror, I stopped to check myself, especially my face. I flashed my teeth and checked if I have any food stuck on them, I opened my mouth in an 'ah' motion, checking both my tongue and the inside of my mouth, satisfied when I saw nothing, I smiled. Then I saw a booger inside my nose and suddenly grow uncomfortable, I looked around but when I saw no one was looking, I dip my index finger inside my nose and picked out the booger, I pressed it with my index finger and thump before crumbling it and throwing it away, I look again at the window, using it to check the inside of my nose and when I saw no other boogers, I turned and scurried into the building. I met a long queue in front of the elevator and I almost cried, twenty more minutes and I will be more than late, there was another elevator but there was no single person going for it. I stood, tapping my foot on the floor while considering making a run for the next elevator but

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