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Chapter 3 Dave

Word Count: 2103    |    Released on: 24/09/2021

here if he hadn't phoned me this morning asking me to come over, now here I am, boiling in anger only to discover that some nincompoop has parked his car in a space reserved spe

, my assistant Jake arranges one for me in a hotel and she is paid once I leave the room. She has no right to act like she knows me when she sees me or even dare to call my line, none of them has it anyway. So this really is a first. "Hi" I heard a singsong like voice say beside me but I ignored, "are you here for the interview?" I furrowed my brows? Interview? What interview? Ah yes, today is the day for the interview for my secretary? Oh, no wonder the long queue in the reception. I glanced at her briefly to see that she is till looking at me patiently, or rather studying my facial features, "yes" I answered. If she believes I'm here for an interview, why not humor her? "I see. Whose secretary are they looking for anywhere?" She asked. What? She doesn't know whose secretary they are looking for? Then why is she here? I turned then to her, why dear, my secretary of course, I wanted to say but no, this would be fun, I haven't find any woman amusing for a long time now, "I think it's for Dave Williams" I'm pretty sure my eyes are showing my amusement but she doesn't seem to get it. "Are you applying as his secretary too?" "No, I'm not applying as a secretary" I answered, fighting really hard not to smile. "Really, as what then, I thought it was only secretary that was written on the form" I glanced at her to see her thinking, definitely wondering if she had missed an important detail. My smile was now in my throat and if care is not taken, I might end up busting into laughter, something I can't remember when last I did it. I decided to put her off her thoughts by saying "I filled a different form." "Oh, what then?" There was something like relief in her voice. "As an assistant." "For Dave Williams too?" "Yes." She nodded, glancing at the elevator timer while I took the time to study her flawless face, why does she have such effect on me? She turned to me soon and offered her hand to me with a smile, "I will wish you luck, I hope you get the job, I hope I do too because I have been dreaming my whole life to work here." I see. I shook her hand after a second thought to discover it was the softest thing I have ever touched, if I should tighten my grip, I'm pretty sure her fingers would be packed from the floor, "I wish you luck too." She gave me her best smile, gladly accepting my good wishes, "I'm Hazel, I hope to see you around." "Nice meeting you Hazel," I answered, calculating in my mind what she would do if I should say my name, I wanted nothing more but to see that for myself but before I could say anything, the elevator stopped and the doors opened. She smiled, muttering good bye and stepping out. My eyes never leaving her back as the doors closed again. That was interesting, I'm not surprised she doesn't know me, only a few does anyway. The door opened once again this time on my floor, my office is the next floor after the floor she dropped in. I walked out with my thoughts still filled with Hazel, she and her big Hazel eyes. I have every reason to believe her parents named her after her eye color because of how big it is and nothing would suit her better than it. Jake was standing before my office door, definitely waiting for me, I passed the desk that is to belong to my secretary, and I smiled, imagining how she would look while sitting there, "good morning sir," he greeted while I nodded in response, opening my door and entering with him behind me,

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