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His Epitome Of Beauty

Chapter 5 Anything

Word Count: 998    |    Released on: 25/09/2021

E’s P

inside of the cup. I savour the bittersweet taste before I came back to my senses. I

took his meds?” I called

tated, revealing a thumbs

be back soon.” I kissed the top of her forehead before

y not be as good as others but I can proudly say that I worked

er makes me relieved. I enjoyed teaching children how to read and write. I

ing, Teach

school and a small-time businessman. Even if he’s a part of the opposite gander, I still enjoy hanging o

ks will be soaked in the heavy rain yesterday. I wish I could’ve at least invited him inside of our home as a way of gratitude after giving

y? You looke

just thinking a

any chance that it

her E

I know.

y for

He’s name is Darren Herrera, and I have his phone

walking bad attitude. I can still remembered how he averted his eyes tow

to that man ever again. He’s the epitome of t


t. But he’s not. In fact, he just laughed at my nervous reaction before

r Elija

. Good thing that I didn’t lost my balance. But now, all of

?” Finally, h

, Teacher

still cl

my things before we wen

s are organizing a high sch

hink ab

he Philippines. I’m sure he’ll come there.”

looking at

nto you, Claire,” h

be the center of attention when that day comes. I’m sure that rumors will spread like

e was suddenly in

at’s wro

me before... Or maybe it

riend, as well... Though I don’t know if the two of

n his eyes. I could see the amuseme

t belie


ew someone named Kate. I’m not sure thou

my class now, Te


rd his voice. I turned my gaze on


eed an ex

hat this is not another joke coming from Elijah. I badly

ou ser

am,” he pro

you know any? I’ll do anything for m

nd I nodded. “Are you

ook like you are the

u won’t be mad at me or what. And also, p

t! Why would I?”


ine. I p

. I will introduce you to someone. So

rust you on t

looking away. I just sighed as I

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