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His Unselfish Shelter

Chapter 3 His Protector

Word Count: 1672    |    Released on: 25/09/2021


this for my medication. I have a lung cancer, but thankfully, it wasn’t that severe yet. That’s why

ppens, I wouldn’t survive. I’m not as strong as those other cancer patients out there. I’m just a weak, normal

to go to school as soon as possible? Always remembe

ust that... You know, I don’t want

excuse. I thought you gave an exc

ow Gabriel’s cheeks flushed a reddish

hy? Or maybe something els


that home s

ll him that. Gab

going to pack our things up so that

efore asking help to one of my nurses to remove the dextrose on my wrist. Finally, I got a chance t

oks happy,”

was wondering, Mom... How many more years would it take me to be

covery, honey. Sometimes, great things come

as my sho

ast three years of my life enduring this pain? I got this when I was ten, and fo

mewhere?” Mom asked before she

.. I just... I wanted

back in the hospital?” she asked, a wo

n’t. I just wa

eep, Erevell. We still


. I decided to ignore it, while my Mom is still busy driving the car. I

tly knew that it was Mom. I opened my eyes and her blurry face

ome on. Let me help y


ping on your bed rather tha

d smell the fresh air coming from the trees. How I miss this village. Seems like ever since I got this illness, I spen

ab’s house, Mo

ed to take a rest

, Mom... Gabriel i

elf to your limit that much. Please s

..” I

Tomorrow, you can invite that Gabri

y?” I

for now and save your

nk you so

e came inside of our house, I climbed upstairs so that I can take a rest. I can’t wa

se of one main reason... And that was because I was discharge by the hospital


” I answered

y are you smilin

nt to tell her the main reason why. If she found out about that, sh

Mom. Let’s

dicines and stuffs out there makes my sense of taste really bland and unappreciative. I helped Mo

ing into our nearby church. I decided to fetch Ga

ogether, Erevell,”

to talk to him al

ice was full

etch him up myself. When my Mom vanished into my sight just to take a quick shower, I i

ain, but I think nobody is home today. I sighed, having a heavy heart. I thought I would see him again

I kept on wiping my tears away until I heard a loud, bee

ogether, right? You never liste

ice cracked while

orriedly before opening the d

got inside of the car

Just... Disappo

t here,

lly bring bad

ike that. Having you around wasn

by so fast. In a blink of an eye, I just found myself walking in the school hallways a

ia first so that I could get something to eat. But as I s

form was now full with different flavors of

th that weird bitch!” one

ows about my illness... No one knows, that’s wh

ven know her!” Gabriel fired back, a

I know he’s only doing that to protect himself. That’s why from this day forward, I vowed to be h

students shouted before th

reamed at the t

looked at me with a surprised expression plastered upon his fac

k another step back to face the guy who threw a cup over his face earlier. I


ks but I couldn’t. Because right after that moment, I couldn’t breathe properly anymo

ted my name with a surp

g eyes. I heard another commotion inside of my

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