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Galactic Wars

Chapter 3 Dorothy Gale

Word Count: 586    |    Released on: 26/09/2021



eplied sadly. Daniel Ross Daniel was taking care of his patients. Daniel knew his father killed his grandfather Odin. Daniel could not believe his father can be so evil. Odin might not be Loki’s actual father, but he took care of Loki. Daniel did not agree with a lot of things Odin did, but he did not hate Odin. Daniel felt bad for not telling Sebastian that they were brothers, but he told his mom he would not say anything to Sebastian. Daniel knew that Dorothy did not know about her being adopted. Ozma knew that Dorothy and Sebastian were her brother and sister. Daniel was going to Oz to watch Ozma get crowned queen. Mary Hatching was going with him. Loki does not know that Daniel has been seeing Mary Hatching. Loki and Mary’s father King Adam are enemies. King Adam did not know that Mary was seeing Daniel. Queen Rachel knew Mary was seeing Daniel, but she is keeping it from her husband. Mary’s brother Prince Eric did not know that Mary was seeing Daniel. Prince Eric hates Daniel. Daniel did not dislike Prince Eric. Daniel wishes that

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