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Galactic Wars

Chapter 8 The Mad Hatter

Word Count: 670    |    Released on: 29/09/2021

8: The M

Mad Hatter rescue the Red Queen and he took her to Oz. He-Man wants to help the Red Queen get her kingdom back. He-Man has to get Sebastian and Kevin to help him. He-Man was also hoping to get the cosmic key back. Later, He-Man went to see Kevin. “Kevin, Loki has overthrown the Red Queen and he has taken over Wonderland. We need your help,” He-Man pleaded. “I am going to help too,” Alice replied. Alice and Kevin went to get Sebastian. They told Sebastian about Loki taking over Wonderland. Sebastian got ready to leave. Daniel was not going because he could not fight his father. Sebastian understood. Sebastian would done the same thing. Dorothy was doing a lot better. Sebastian did not tell Dorothy about Loki taking over Wonderland because he did not want to upset her. Later, Sebastian left for Wonderland. Sebastian never been to wonderland. They went to the castle and He-Man saw a big army guarding the castle. “There is no way we can fight that army. Loki has 1,000 soldiers and we only have six people,” He-Man replied. “We need to get more people to help us,” Kevin suggests. “Who could we ask to help us. Eternia does not have a big army

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