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The Desire Play

The Desire Play

Author: Elide Lee

Chapter 1 'I'

Word Count: 1232    |    Released on: 26/09/2021


breakfast, wake up this instant ! "

7 in the morning . Okay m

enior year . I'm excited b

Took a quick shower and slipped into some skinny rippe

I walked downstairs . The

h . I saw my dad sitting on a dining chair

me and put a finger on his mouth . Inkling

you do this time ??" I whisper

ame for your sister

I knew he was gonna be lectured 24/7 by mom now . It's g

games and stuff . She is so much in all computers and games

st one . This makes my mom angry . She is 24 and my mom wan

morning ." I go to the k

eat up" she said , ha

'm getting late " my dad asked her wit

ed him a plate with just a half omelet

other half ?"

ou this much . If you don't want it

o school . Love you both " I kiss

time ." My mom is still

e street I came acro

he barista there . We were more like fr

usual café mocha " she

. I was already late so I had

. I got 20 missed calls from them .

fact that she does well in

t how he looks . He doesn't have any girlfriend but

fall for anyone with pretty looks . W

dy . I'm lazy and Asher lacks lots of brain so we don


" I whined on my dropp

he man who hit me with th

ally blind ." I replied a

still looking at my sweet coffee which was now on

eally okay

me all morning and you even snatched my happiest moment with my precious latte

. I'll pay for it . That's okay, right ?"

g money you jerk . I will jus

se of a coffee " another jerk shou

" he will surely beat your ass " I said to the c

you next time I'll rip your throat off , understood?" I said

u ?" Ciara asked me stan

got up late " I said

ly here . I missed you " A


ll some time left . So I put my hea

anytime . It's just because of that

temporary music teacher . He will be our class te

e Asher was beside me , flirting wi

to her ?" I asked ,

gnant " she said and I remember


andsome . Everyone is talking about him .I can't

n you know my lazy

shaking me ."what" I

r is pointing at you

ace the new teacher . I jumped from my


h squealed at

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