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The Desire Play

Chapter 3 'III'

Word Count: 455    |    Released on: 26/09/2021


igh school . I had to substitute

one of the best schools ,

a girl popped in front of my car . Sh

I was terrified to see if she was okay

. But instead she burst on m

ute . I took a look on her face

Little curly hairs on her face .

le goddess . Though she was a kid . But God

he ran away , without

chool still thinking about th

y student . Why ? I managed to teach wel

e time . But as soon as the bell rang

When someone knocked and it was her "Amelia

. But then she can do so well on piano th

about the morning incident "she

ngs to her but I couldn't seem to control my a

hands . I sensed her fear and managed t

do . I must have frightened

e already ? . Stupid self o

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