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City Mermaid

Chapter 3 Friends Forever

Word Count: 2599    |    Released on: 12/10/2021

and it requested for password almost immedia

e screen behind that was supposed to display the

of it and clicked it to return online bef

footage that had Cindy running down

hair and approached the scre

f many had visual of the outside compound, and sec

d turned to the other screen which was

o a big board in the room that had a di

of the hallway an

he door when they had the lou

of them said and

and quickly pushed

well and collap

s beating so

and she checked the cal

. She said and

u seen K

ment, we had a gro

?, Put her o

's at the

e as soon as

e said and disco

". Cindy whispered

ng footsteps again an

turning in a group a

ang loudly from different

School, where's the Janit

en't se


out to the hallwa

ile he moved to the Control Base s

in her bag and pushed open the doo

apella".She whispered and laid flat on

scope attached to the gun which had

an's neck and pre

piercing into his neck, he dro

avily trying to

ng out and Cindy raced out

uarded all exit".Kapella inf

a voice and flashes of ligh

library and hid behind

nd a man flash his tor

nto his Walkie Talk

ly and laid her hea

ed, weren't yo

n a Guard so don't as

, you were really scared". Kapel

atching me?

the cameras

face, I could swear that I saw somethi

leaving only that of the Control

lame, what if they had all come

at controls the alarms as well so when it r

ep right now, y

h as I

ndy informed giving her the phon

that to

it here until tomo

're worried about and you have your makeup o

urity will be strict from now henceforth, I hop

aybe I want to b

ends for years and you know I keep

n st


s, you don't get to foll

p with me?". Cindy

es it lo

nd she laughed as she laid h

ot really because a poor person who ca

has different motive when coming to High school, To Study, To Party, To Find Lovers

y and magically get to pass my exams and always at the top, my parents don't get to c

looks b

, doing risky things with the hope of getting caught one day,

herself and she

n, I can't tell you to quit these acts but it's

t sleep off like today never happene

d up to the ceiling as te

e cra

time crazy".






five minutes I'll...". Mrs. Elijah screamed as s

and bit her

e going to school?". Sh

ike your head in front of your mates".

ting? ". She asked and h

back". He said

d now you suddenly miss her? ". Mrs.

Steve frowned and

ing her angry

will you get your bag and get into the vehicle, don't


same thing, Who the


". She agreed

bag and follo






s she walked down the hallway with Cindy wh

air bun so big

apella replied and

dn't wa

d and retrea

asked and stared at the ne


look pretty

tra Pretty now".

b it but she to

turn at the intersection but collide with s

nd books fell

eard a soft voice and she took

w a tall teen boy stre

le but he grabbed her s

, I didn't see you c

s my fault, I was

ain't hurt

He said and she exhal

gnition and he had wrinkle at th

face It was an accident

t happen?"

don't wann

.. I'm

d picking the boo

help you w

but he held her hand a

t bot

eplied and he le

the books and hande


ain I'm

e way I am Lovely". H

She fired wit

eant my name is Lovely".

ry... Totally sorry.

ella". S

e. Nice me

u t

said and they

ndy, My bestie"

dy, I a

ard that.. Nic

possibly show me

man!, you

de 11 and yes I'm

, Grade


then, over there".

smiled and

stares Cindy?".

always begin with collidin

t and I had to help him all be

hand it o

it, and don't t

ough but he g


y trying to be

d and students began to troop in

zed and she t

She said

dded and retre

that be?".

ool and she wants

ept over at my place, my parents are on

of her Dodge Viper GTS when she saw Kap

e said and hug

to take your food". Mrs. Eli

ll Mom, t

how are you

he couldn't call back last n

ast called that you're staying at your

I'm terrible hungry". Kapella s


hicle and returned

your f

's why I love you"

he vehicle slide down revea

e doing here?"

el". He sa

u weren't there to cause trouble so I didn't miss

iss you after...". He sai

licious, seems mom made it special and it was s

at him but Cind

a, he's ju

r to be matured as well". Mrs. Elijah

his tongue and th


e M

me home tonight". She s

the vehicle a

Rolls-Royce Phantom dro

ndy back so she don't

e latest expensive vehicl

uests today?". Kapella

ests". Cindy replied and

in their numbers while others looked down fr

Phantom which was blue in color

ed loudly as he a

t him was luxur

dents". Cind

e heading for the VIP garage and that was w


. Cind

ed slide open almost immediately and a tee

tretched out her selfie stick t

VIP garage and the vanity


which was black in color slide open a teen boy got down, he was tall and

and the compound was silent as a

e VIP garage but looking nar


ck it into his mouth,

e crowd parted to the lef

ntrance with the two

the devil, Diaz"

?". Kapella asked

nt of Phoenix doesn't k

rrowood who own

them with your beauty, Let's take the fire

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1 Chapter 1 Mysterious Kapella2 Chapter 2 Bad Girls 3 Chapter 3 Friends Forever 4 Chapter 4 The Italian Tutor 5 Chapter 5 The Cafeteria Drama 6 Chapter 6 Most Wanted 7 Chapter 7 The Mysterious Stranger 8 Chapter 8 The Hunt 9 Chapter 9 Return Of The Arrowood 10 Chapter 10 Meeting Finn Arrowood 11 Chapter 11 The Arrowood Kids 12 Chapter 12 Nancy 13 Chapter 13 Outfit For The Mermaid 14 Chapter 14 The Birthday Party 15 Chapter 15 The Secret Identity Of Candy 16 Chapter 16 The Celebrity 17 Chapter 17 Her Lovely 18 Chapter 18 She Is A 19 Chapter 19 Compelling The Operator 20 Chapter 20 The Charming Mermaid 21 Chapter 21 Mermaids 22 Chapter 22 Immune Ashley 23 Chapter 23 It's Time To Hunt 24 Chapter 24 Mr. Candy Is A Hunter 25 Chapter 25 The Punishment 26 Chapter 26 Kidnapping The Arctic 27 Chapter 27 A Trip To Sardinia Island 28 Chapter 28 The Mermaid's Wrath 29 Chapter 29 A Narrow Escape 30 Chapter 30 Transformation 31 Chapter 31 Francis And The Mermaid 32 Chapter 32 The Return Of Candy 33 Chapter 33 Saving Lovely 34 Chapter 34 His Kapella Elijah 35 Chapter 35 The lovely Lovely 36 Chapter 36 Furious Lovely 37 Chapter 37 Fighting 38 Chapter 38 Meeting Madison 39 Chapter 39 I'm Faceless 40 Chapter 40 I Killed Diaz Arrowood 41 Chapter 41 The Return Of The Dead 42 Chapter 42 Risky Games 43 Chapter 43 Two Brothers, One Girl 44 Chapter 44 The Revenge Of Lovely Arrowood 45 Chapter 45 You Stole My Heart 46 Chapter 46 Officially Mine 47 Chapter 47 Our Lives 48 Chapter 48 Stealers, The New Threat 49 Chapter 49 Once Lovers 50 Chapter 50 The Inevitable Problem 51 Chapter 51 Call Of Duty 52 Chapter 52 Our Responsibility 53 Chapter 53 Francis In Trouble 54 Chapter 54 El Voleuse, You Messed With The Wrong Mermaid 55 Chapter 55 Hybrid Arctic VS El Voleuse 56 Chapter 56 Reconciliation 57 Chapter 57 Queen Kapella 58 Chapter 58 Hijacking And Attacking 59 Chapter 59 Attack On Hunters 60 Chapter 60 This Is The End 61 Chapter 61 I Killed Kapella Elijah 62 Chapter 62 His Love Or Family 63 Chapter 63 Frying Pan Into Fire 64 Chapter 64 Old Friends 65 Chapter 65 Sneaky Ashley 66 Chapter 66 The Queen's Boyfriend 67 Chapter 67 Unrelenting Diaz 68 Chapter 68 Running From Mrs. Arrowood 69 Chapter 69 The Fernando Family 70 Chapter 70 Lovely To The Rescue 71 Chapter 71 The Anonymous Rescuer 72 Chapter 72 The Return Of Anita 73 Chapter 73 2 Hybrid Arctic74 Chapter 74 It's Happening 75 Chapter 75 Breakfast With The Fernando 76 Chapter 76 The Petrova 77 Chapter 77 Secrets 78 Chapter 78 We're Family 79 Chapter 79 Danny 2.080 Chapter 80 Family Fall Apart 81 Chapter 81 Camille Fernando 82 Chapter 82 Jane Petrova 83 Chapter 83 Stay or Run!!84 Chapter 84 Finn Cares For Her 85 Chapter 85 Kapella To The Rescue 86 Chapter 86 The Petrova 87 Chapter 87 The Rescue Plan 88 Chapter 88 The Ambush 89 Chapter 89 Wrath Of The Hybrid Arctic 90 Chapter 90 Family, Always And Forever 91 Chapter 91 The Unstoppable 92 Chapter 92 No Way 93 Chapter 93 Camille 94 Chapter 94 Get together 95 Chapter 95 Love Again 96 Chapter 96 The Interrogation 97 Chapter 97 The New Threat 98 Chapter 98 Team Mermaid 99 Chapter 99 Retaliation 100 Chapter 100 The Revelations