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The Grandiose Billionaire's Unknown Child

Chapter 3 You can't married him

Word Count: 836    |    Released on: 13/10/2021

tiques, I see,"

ings through my business. I have a shop in town," I explained. "It's sort of a com

livia's Attic," he replied,

ht, I answered,

at least six foot two or three I guessed, and w

often experience in

ked up a china dish off the end table and checked the imprint on the bottom. It was Limoges, a discontin

refully set it down again

ight." I

profit, if you take home all

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hard sound that co

to me. I know very well what kind of

?" I ch

some research, you see. Your prolit

ve my writing. It had been just a hobby for years, but if my publisher was right, I might be making more money than I'd ever

vestigation had missed that fact

out all the stops, the very idea that he had investi

." Mr. Adams, I replied smoothly. "But just so your facts are

or instance?" he added harshly, Well, as of tonight, you can strike

style to which you obviously aspire. Clearly,

him, too sho

face.....and body to match..... I'm not surprised you had a guy like Will twisted around your little finger," His hot, app

eckline of my robe. Then I turned

middle of the night. Raving like a madman. Coming int

e accuse me......accuse any woman he'd barely me

lfriends gifts, even if those gifts included mo

? The sensitive, innocent flower, trampled and slandered

en. As far as I can see, you are-as they'd say in the good old days......a fortune hunter, madam. Plain and simp

tone. "Your brother is an intelligent, responsible adult who can and will choose who he wis

re he stood silhouetted against the long frame window. He was an intimidating man, some

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