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The Grandiose Billionaire's Unknown Child

Chapter 5 Demsel face dragon alone

Word Count: 1114    |    Released on: 13/10/2021

speaking about," she clai

pher, plentiful as they may be." I promised me. I flew two thousand miles from New York, drove three hours from the a

that my specech now crescendoed at shouting level, my face an angry scowl. "

ed, politely covering her mouth with her hand. Perhaps it

d not going without achieving it. "I don't appreciate your

e suggested politely. We are

you are either going to tell Will to come out and face t

arm airily. "But it won't do y

to step out from behind the couch or a curtain. Then I looked

hand." I doubt that even my brother would stay in hidin

the curtain back in place "So, why isn't he here?" I persisted. "Are you two superstit

,"she said honestly. "But Will is. F

is he? You might as well tell me now and

imply. I stared at her in disb

s I gazed around the room, as if seeing it for the first tim

ar in the burgundy satin upholstery that was now cleverly camouflaged by a hand-knit afghan. The rocker, with its carewon velvet cushio

tiques, I see,"

ings through my business. I have a shop in town," she explained. "It's sort of a com

bout it Olivia's A

t, she answered,

d up a china dish off the end table and checked the imprint on the bottom. It was Limoges, a discontinu

efully set it down again

's ri

profit, if you take home all

right," sh

ce. Don't lie to me. I know very well what kin

" She ch

some research, you see. Your prolit

. Adams, she replied smoothly after some time "But just so your fa

ent style to which you obviously aspire. Clearly, your tastes exceed your income, Ms. Christopher." She stared at me, too shocked to speak. "of course, with your looks, it shouldn't be too hard to find another rich sap," I added before she cou

middle of the night. Raving like a madman. Coming int

ne. "Have I bruised your tender sensibilities so harshly, Ms. Christopher? Well, let me put it to you another way then. As far as I can see, you are-as they'd say in the

tone. "Your brother is an intelligent, responsible adult who can and will choose who he wish

room where I stood silhouetted against the long frame window. I know she

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