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Revenge of the Son in-Law

Revenge of the Son in-Law


Chapter 1 Getting to know Dave

Word Count: 1046    |    Released on: 14/10/2021

ylvester and I am t

hat he had done to my mother. I hope this teaches you all, the read

e ago, when I was only eig


off to work

o eat first? It's not good to work o

y boss doesn't like it whenever I arrive l

square meals a day. My father used to have a job and a salary good enough to feed us three but one day he died in a car crash. Everything I and my mother ever had were seized

y on my wa

up!" Hilton yelle

ents. His parents hates seeing me around him. They keep saying that I will affect him with my stench

im at the side

g Hilton." I

" Hilton said while

ning after me lik

low you to work tod

to be somewher

" Hilto

of course."

oday. No school.

id and start to walk

ace. The environment is not bad, that's pr

know you are very tired" I said to

ic. I can do this all

n." I said s

feel so tired. My legs are already v

I said in s

ou know me better than I

place and my boss is alre

te Dave." M

s close

dded, yelling

ain. It's just that I live so far away and I

rson. It's just that he h

today as your punish

replied with

g sir." Hilt

can I do for you?" M

k. I only came here to spend the


ce you bring friends over

." I re

him here for pla

y?" My bo

r." I a

he here?" M

Hilton answere

My boss

y." Hilton

for study, you would be with your notebook. And I

I was only told to observe how work is done

say so." My boss

me you had a hom

" Hilton

aid, very

made up to get you off th

that fast. And that too without lookin

o become a high class business ma

ember." I

e been preparing for

ha." I

goofing around." My boss yelled

ring job. Removing car parts, attaching spare pa

going is my plan for a b

weakness I always p

s as if my mother is cheering me on. Telling me...

h. If anything ever happens to he

anic I see here is d

do you expect to look when all day you are fi

all try to maintain cle

you are you would stil

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