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Revenge of the Son in-Law

Chapter 5 Mr Adams dropped me home

Word Count: 1043    |    Released on: 14/10/2021

ld be those kind of interviews that they ask professional

n the best very close to his office and ensure to an

ill do my best

ause Mr Adams doesn't like to call

I'm very fas

ot. Follow me. I'll give you a

I replied an

Mr Charles told me to sit at

e was done with me and then c

st an hour before Mr

!" He

red immediately and

s documents. Get it for me

o I make sure to do everything he s

ble AA8 as he said and brou

e said, pointing to the

here and turned to lea

." He

r." I r

said, pointing to an

said and picke

ke your coffee

d up at

thers before you would just

ask you each time you ask for coffee. He said you take

ee you pay very good

r." I r

the coffee now. I want it

o Mr Adams, I don't really do much of all this formal

the coffee and

st over. I'm fee


led me on th

e." He said and d

oing and went strai

for me sir

s planning on signing a contract in the next two days. The meeting is for us to discuss about it.

sir." I replied a

nts with me and went outside. I


go and see him while I still can. It's been too long. I a

my office. Dave was still there

home? We are done

Mr Charles was supposed to take me home

s to attend a meeting but I never knew

'll take you

u sir." H

th me."

at his house was close to the place I was to meet my friend. I dropp

l but his house l

d I drove off to

o see you again." I said

ed earlier than him. We were seated outside t

ams. Five years is no

o see you my fr

ee you too Adam

u want. The bill'

en." He

s of drinks. We eve

h Johnson. We were just about to leave part w

e didn't turn and she seems to hav

very beautiful.

she ignored me on

she just didn't hea

, I and Johnson were know

us away from from women

to have he

ow you do what you want. And even if it did, y

nd? I will find out everyt

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