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Betrothed To The Alpha

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1640    |    Released on: 19/10/2021

umbled so hard, my temperature was getting high, an

ood at all," Sage said worriedly as she took off my

et still sweating from the

his duvet won't work. I will just call a docto

on't bother calling a doctor. I wil

ver from the cold and all, but I di

n tea for you. It might help you feel better

the door opened, revealing the beautiful Queen Lula. I

lding her gown up; she gently sat by

uld try to be strong because King Archer doesn't care if you are sic

as so beautiful but too thin that h

I wondered why she would wear it in the castle inst

g me shiver; she gently pulled the duvet off and face

behind her ear. "You know?… Queen Zinnia doesn't like you, and none of the Queen's like you. I don't like you either, but I am not a heartless person. I would still help

to them? How will I live in a castle where I am no

touched, the King's attention will definitely be drifted to you soon, and that makes us hate you more. The King

s I tried my best to sit u

ants instead of us… That's the kind of man you got married to, he is a sex addict and can never get enough of sex

ruel to even his wives? Why is he such a beast? How will a man tell

e King and not get pregnant, and why doesn't the

I could tell there was a lot for me

to avoid pregnancy, and he also promised to kill anyone that gets

g is still full of life and hasn't gotten enough women he wants… Don't just expect a sweet loving hu

ut with the look on her face, s

y of the Queen's paths, especially Zinnia; Zinnia is a leopard

ng me to drown

t the Queen's were not happily married to the King, and th

e married to five wives and still go ahead to sleep with his servants? T

arried to beautiful women will have the mind to sl

een…" Sage said, snappin

e King hasn't slept with her countless times? I mean… This girl in front of me is be

wasn't the kind of life I wished for myself; I alw

hey snapped them away in just a second. I would ha

made hot green tea as I

lf. "It's delicious; I hope you don't mind teaching me how you do it someday?" I teased as

r royalty to go to the kitchen; I am glad you love my tea. No one ha

rt about royalty not going to th

e Queen is gradual

nto my face if you're talking to me, at least if we are alone in my room…

into my face, but she finally did, l

et's talk," I said, tap

be punished if I am found sitting by your side, my Qu

the royal rules are, they basically treat c

s with, as my friends were far from me, an

comfortable standing here," she plead

I don't feel comfortable seeing you stand watching me drink my c

n and face the wall, please,"

ed in frustration as I gulped down the whole tea;

your throat; you know your wedding with the king is tomorrow and yo

lled as she raise

out it?" She asked

the tea; I need to be alone," I said as

be so fast, gosh! I don't thi


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