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Betrothed To The Alpha

Betrothed To The Alpha


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1634    |    Released on: 19/10/2021

on her feet to celebrate her 23rd birthday. She was so hap

simple fall into a slope could p

en that brave red-haired girl with sharp blue eyes who never fears anybody. She's

earl. We literally lost hope of seeing you alive!"

ain; I can't imagine what it'd look like losing you two!"

e guest to see you, you know?… You will be having lots of friends and fiend's in the party,

hank you so much for supporting me,'' she said, mak

ur toenails, Seren. What do you think?" R

specially as she has giant toenails

uneasy as they talked and made suspicious gestures. Pearl wasn't just concentrating on

er mom walked in with

ook in your outer cloth, Seren and Rosamund. You girls are doing a great job here. Kudos… Just

r since you left, she has never smiled; I am so happy seeing her this happy!" Seren said and placed the beautiful hair

ng, Pearl," Rosamund said as P

and this one suits my red hair perfectly

st. I am sure they are eager to see you," Sere

ith my fingers trailing through the rusted railings

sses of cocktails in their hands. The sound of t

. I knew that most of them didn't come to celebrate with me but came

p wondering what could be going on; they seemed so disturbed, all I just wanted was to approach t

for the men and flowing gowns matching with an elaborate headwear for the women. They looked so c

y party; I really appreciate y

hed into laughter, making me kinda sad. I didn't just want to throw my shoes to t

e I have helped them in one way o

health," one of the rich ladies said and gave me some pieces of coins wh

eft to face the low-life guests; most of them

You loaned the land from the king without payment, and still, you can't build a good home," the tiny

s going on, but no, they were still busy discussing!… I looked up at the re

e it anymore. I was just so pissed off th

I expected them to be welcoming

w was bringing hate to our family, but still, they had no other choice than to loan the land after a terrib

s to us ever since. Luckily

inking hard in order for tears not

mily, which got me pissed off… But what will I do when I am still weak from the com

he people leaving before time; they stared at me

ng so fast?" My dad

n my birthday. You won't imagine how…" I couldn't complete my word as I rus

rl's mom said as she glued her butt to the worn-out couch. "I just hope all this ends peacefully; I am not just happy giving my daughter o

n door was matched open, and the ki

e happy to leave this dungeon to stay with me," he said as his e

she?" He a

e stuttered as the guards m

I am freed," she yelled as she hit the able-bodied gua

or me, her friends escaped through the window

and stay there with her. She seems very stubborn and s

ou nothing; take me back in!" She yel

guards and Pearl's parents as he sa

ld make the situation worse. You loaned my father's land and couldn't pay it back, and you think you'd still have your daughter to yourself?… A


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