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Billionaire's Baby Snake

Chapter 2 Don't Take The Offer

Word Count: 1194    |    Released on: 24/10/2021


focused on me with those sparkling eyes of his, silence reigning the ro

ondie to leave us alone with his stare. He places his phone on the desk and leans on his chair, hav

ack at me, twisting his head. I’m crossing my legs, w

an impressive CV. Why this job?” Be

o my ID and it somehow becomes territorial to me for a younger person to be my boss. I’m sorry, I don’t

ore, owning an advertising company. So, this company being in the entertainment industry, is similar in a way as concept. I understand all terms related to it; therefore, I can easily adapt. But yes, the salary is the one that motivated me to apply for the job. It’s

t me. I fake a smile. Just call it an end and I’ll find another job. Thoug

you need money and fast?” Aren’t we nosy? I smi

se my father’s condition to get the job with the emotional appeal. He’s penet

is mischievous green glare at me. I maintain

than nosy…. “I see you are not married, but I certainly don’t want to be told when I need my assistant that she has such commitments as an excuse. The pay is high to cover all these requests as in your time with me whenever I need, at any hour I

itments, Mr. Markle. But for that, the offer is halfway. Thank you for your time, but I believe I shouldn’t have lowered my

ed, waiting to satisfy my curiosity. I don’t give a damn on my rude behavior. “Because I’m

od CEO. Thank you for your answer and I wish you to find the assistant you need and d

d’s eyes at me…. I don’t want to have a boss who’s sending lust upon my sight as th

e door and get out…. “Fine. I’ll double the sa

e is ticking…. Lacey? Dad needs treatment, not

hand still on the handle. If I see his face when he’ll answer my question, I

t provoke my pride. I need an answer I can work with

en I might need you for business at night. Entertainment business is around the clock with various issues to solve in the middle of the night. You’ll also receive a car. Brand new. And all that you would need to accommodate to the job.” What’s he saying? Around the clock?! Move into his guest house?! That’s not a jo

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