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Author: Vë Nûs

Chapter 1 SISTER

Word Count: 565    |    Released on: 24/10/2021

e time,schools in veurex teaches same thing as the earth because some were sent to the earth to study how to teach, but unfortunately my sister got missing, we consult our Lord about it but we get no reply from them we searched almost everywhere within and outside where in Veurex but she's no where to be found,some months later,we've tried to forget about her and act to be happy again without her then we heard people saying they saw a young girl laid dead beside a river in the middle of Veurex,we went th

soon as early next morning."i ove

en planing this for long and you

estion me

re we going

lling to the

i didn't like the idea because I will lose my frien

u this earlier, i just want us to leave withou

ll tell me everyth


to the earth be

time planning to move

my father trying to forget my sister completely,maybe staying at Veur

ince her husband but she said "I have tried all possible way but not successful." I told her that I will be happy if he could just wait until i write

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