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Chapter 10 PASSED OUT

Word Count: 632    |    Released on: 05/01/2022

n and she was very happy while I was al

idn't argue because the sun was about the set, I escorted her till we get to her house, sh

" she

up." I g

ming from by this

d I followed her home, I'm comin

get home safe t

nd you to

e." Sh

alked away..

adache issue came up again that made me fell to the ground, It

ks different than mine, It was painted pink and some girls stuff were hanging around just th

awake."She said then wa

.....She touched my forehead then smiled while I feel relaxed....

I manage

minutes later Susan and Anne walked in, th

Anne was the first to t

here?" I aske

sly on the floor and she brought you here." Sus

s just few seconds after i left you

ke this until I started s

hat did you think caus

Elliot and the second time it happened was

er or what."Susan said while

on, we need to take a close

this night, right?"

if I step out of this house a

worried, It's just a minor thing and don't worry I w

a super man, come on you knew how I was worried when you brought hi

oing this night and as for my parents

arly because you are going

us." Susan said to Anne whil

tomorrow." She waved

so lives her

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