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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 6 Six

Word Count: 1660    |    Released on: 24/10/2021

e she asked, “Can I have a few more minutes with Lu

once again feeling prou

ur Highness.”

tful exchange.” His graciousness and understanding earned him a smile from Luna Lyssa and Lucianne

ng plan. “Luna Lyssa, you need not worry about the Blood Eclipse Pack, I can assure you that they are nothing like the rumours being spread about them. They are fierc

was hoping that, since he knows you, he’ll be more willing t

ght Pack. Their warriors are very well-trained as well, and their pack isn’t very far from yours so perhaps

so wonderful to finally make your acquaintance aft

se, Lun

he was far away enough, Xandar whispered into Lucianne's ear, “It’s

muttered, “I wa

miled, offering her his hand as he sai

ut His Royal Highness insisted that his subjects took their food first as he happily waited in line. Lucianne sighed with relief when he did this

dy sitting there. So, both species sat among their own. When Lucy placed her plate on an empty table, Xan

led, sending an electric

ips curled up as h

taking their seats. Conversation with the King started out careful and polite but when Xandar took an interest in Alpha Juan’s efforts to

re of the new pups from the packs they took over, especially if they had lost their parents. She personally adopted

wn, and I love the five we have taken in but any more than that and we may have to build a

r voice was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard but he

le decide to take in any more pups in future, Alpha Juan, do let m

scary Alpha that many packs described him as at that moment. Alpha Juan cleared his throat before su

kingly said, “Please forgive me, Luna Hale. I’m afraid I must take your Alp

r, “You spineless traitor, your Highness!” Lucianne and Xandar were about to laugh when

us. Who dared speak to them like that?! His head turned. His murderous eyes saw that it was Cu

blem, Cummings?

” As if on purpose, he said it so loudly that half the hall turned in their directio

bow. He said in a clear tone, “These people are my guests. I will deal

being a traitor!” He argued, and Sash


your Hi

now the context in wh

nd humour. What your Defence Minister just heard was simply a joke. If he didn’t manage to decipher

he minister. Cummings bowed lower and uttered, “A thousand apologies, your H

Cummings before he looked back at his minister and said loudly, “Don

it was completely unheard of for a Lycan to respect a wolf, let alone apologize to one. Cummings raised his head only slightly. He was about to

irritated voice echoed in the space

a tiny wolf whom he did not recall ever meeting. He arri

id darkly, “It’s H

rang through his ears, “How can you call yourself a Ly

in their direction as he said, “My apologies, Luna Hale.

e and grace as she said in her Luna voice, “Thank you for clarifying the situation, your Highness. Othe

tch, Luna Hale.” he smiled, and he looked around

nding, thrusted out his hand and thanked Xandar for resolving the confrontation. Xandar shook his hand gracious

nne turned to him with her bright eyes an

r ear, “Don’t thank me, Lucianne. It was the right thing to do.” He took advantage of their proximity and peck

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1 Chapter 1 One2 Chapter 2 Two3 Chapter 3 Three4 Chapter 4 Four5 Chapter 5 Five6 Chapter 6 Six7 Chapter 7 Seven8 Chapter 8 Eight9 Chapter 9 Nine10 Chapter 10 Ten11 Chapter 11 Eleven12 Chapter 12 Twelve 13 Chapter 13 Thirteen 14 Chapter 14 Fourteen 15 Chapter 15 Fifteen 16 Chapter 16 Sixteen 17 Chapter 17 Seventeen 18 Chapter 18 Eighteen 19 Chapter 19 Nineteen 20 Chapter 20 Twenty 21 Chapter 21 Twenty One22 Chapter 22 Twenty Two23 Chapter 23 Twenty Three24 Chapter 24 Twenty Four25 Chapter 25 Twenty Five26 Chapter 26 Twenty Six27 Chapter 27 Twenty Seven 28 Chapter 28 Twenty Eight29 Chapter 29 Twenty Nine30 Chapter 30 Thirty31 Chapter 31 Thirty One32 Chapter 32 Thirty Two33 Chapter 33 Thirty Three34 Chapter 34 Thirty Four35 Chapter 35 Thirty Five36 Chapter 36 Thirty Six37 Chapter 37 Thirty Seven38 Chapter 38 Thirty Eight39 Chapter 39 Thirty Nine40 Chapter 40 Forty41 Chapter 41 Forty One42 Chapter 42 Forty Two43 Chapter 43 Forty Three44 Chapter 44 Forty Four45 Chapter 45 Forty Five46 Chapter 46 Forty Six47 Chapter 47 Forty Seven48 Chapter 48 Forty Eight49 Chapter 49 Forty Nine50 Chapter 50 Fifty51 Chapter 51 Fifty One52 Chapter 52 Fifty Two53 Chapter 53 Fifty Three54 Chapter 54 Fifty Four55 Chapter 55 Fifty Five56 Chapter 56 Fifty Six57 Chapter 57 Fifty Seven58 Chapter 58 Fifty Eight59 Chapter 59 Fifty Nine60 Chapter 60 Sixty61 Chapter 61 Sixty One62 Chapter 62 Sixty Two63 Chapter 63 Sixty Three64 Chapter 64 Sixty Four65 Chapter 65 Sixty Five66 Chapter 66 Sixty Six67 Chapter 67 Sixty Seven68 Chapter 68 Sixty Eight69 Chapter 69 Sixty Nine70 Chapter 70 Seventy71 Chapter 71 Seventy One72 Chapter 72 Seventy Two73 Chapter 73 Seventy Three74 Chapter 74 Seventy Four75 Chapter 75 Seventy Five76 Chapter 76 Seventy Six77 Chapter 77 Seventy Seven78 Chapter 78 Seventy Eight79 Chapter 79 Seventy Nine80 Chapter 80 Eighty81 Chapter 81 Eighty One82 Chapter 82 Eighty Two83 Chapter 83 Eighty Three84 Chapter 84 Eighty Four85 Chapter 85 Eighty Five86 Chapter 86 Eighty Six87 Chapter 87 Eighty Seven88 Chapter 88 Eighty Eight89 Chapter 89 Eighty Nine90 Chapter 90 Ninety91 Chapter 91 Ninety One92 Chapter 92 Ninety Two93 Chapter 93 Ninety Three94 Chapter 94 Ninety Four95 Chapter 95 Ninety Five96 Chapter 96 Ninety Six97 Chapter 97 Ninety Seven98 Chapter 98 Ninety Eight99 Chapter 99 Ninety Nine100 Chapter 100 One Hundred