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The Alpha's Rejected Heir

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 1821    |    Released on: 21/09/2022


know as Jermaine black my so called father's brother which would make him my uncle sat there talking, from the

t his mom that much but I can't help but worry aside from the blood moon pack it has always been just me and my mom against t

led two rogues without even shifting but, she's not immortal, she needs to be more careful. I sighed hoping her leg heels quickly I can't stand to see her hurt it puts me

mom?" I asked her a

sweetie" s

ter whom he can't stop talki

her of the alpha" stretc

h I think

of the beta" my mother

ries could be exchanged

ought I was hallucinating, long t

oked him over once before realizing who he was I in

nce clear in his voice because I k

essandro remember I told you they were

said still looking in the

ed in front of us and stared at me studying my features

e father of your s

t answer him he asked her the question aga

asked anger rolli

there was also more person's in the living room

power in his voice but his alpha tone doesn't work on my mom not ev

dare that bastard put his filthy hands on my mother I stood up to approach them but mom stopped me and yanked her arm away from his grip she sighed before tur

d next I left, then a few days later I found out I was pre

ld there by a very angry alpha but I was more pissed than he w

way from me for 17

r since I was born it was like a replica of the mate bond except it was a

or 17 years when he should have bee

may have alpha blood but I don't care about ruling the only thing I cared about was t

at least tell me I have a

her then turned t

ted me so that means you rejected him you have


lowly growled at her words I turned and growled at them for growli

can do about it all mighty alpha because you, bette

give up his right to claim her as his but he gives up his right to the child and so if

bare every ounce of self control I had flew out the window I didn't know when I moved from where I was until I heard my m

but I guess the sight of our mother been treated that way by that asshole was more than he could bare and for once I wasn't objecting that he took over but I had to

y mother again I wil

ling but I didn't care I t

or anything bad happens to her because of you or anyone else in this pack I will kill every singl

in his neck and he w

cil because I have done it already and I won't hesitate to do it again so if anyone even as sim

away from my mother because I am already itching to kill y

as well as everyone else

over if I wanted to meet you but every time she asked I said no because I didn't want to meet you. I've had an itching to kill you ever since I was four years old because you broke my mother's heart but instead of hunting you down and killing you like my wolf and I

ack doctor I turned to see my mom standing there with shock written over her face I walked up to h

e room and placed her on the bed tucking her in. She yawned again an

lla tua mamma(

weet boy" she says b

I got out and brushed my teeth then wrapped a towel around my waist I went into the closet and put on boxers a blac

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