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My Husband’s Concubine

Chapter 5 05

Word Count: 1518    |    Released on: 28/10/2021

left home for a concert without her Mum’s consent,and now she was in a

on the other hand had taken time to meet her up. Not because she didn

hing she could get over. Karen had lied to her too, but she was free be

It was a long night for Katie after all. She had no clue what her Mum wanted to say to her but still she was

e didn’t waste her money, or time going for the biggest concert in LA. It was Annie’

. Katie asked, steps

iately she felt pain again. She was sad al

ould let me be, gosh

er door, she knocked on t

I come in” she asked, p

voice, Mrs P

Come in right no

Katie replie

just beside bed. Her Dad wasn’t around, it would have been more tiring for her if he had been th

ce said it all, for Katie. She was sure, she had indeed created a mess that night and she had to pa

or Granny anymore right, or

on my way back, but uhm, didn’t realize it was pretty lat

ier you had attended a

competition, and came out as the se

Mum cut in qu

with Granny by the weekend. And I mean, you gon be staying with her for the main time. Maybe that s

ny? Who made this decision? When did y’all decide on this? Is

ents for making that decision but she was more disappointed in them that they hadn’t asked her if

Peggy replied

you, Girl. Granny needs someone to stay with her, and you th

chool? If you gon say capable then to be honest that’s just so fucked up to

ep right now. We decided on that already and that’s what’

would you do this? You know how dead Granny’s estate is? How would

e anymore, would you? You made up your mind alrea

ber to get her the drugs while leaving tomorrow. She needs them so badly. She’s gotta see the doc soon. Your help

t wasn’t what she wished for her and knowing Katie wasn’t willing to listen, she had decided single handedly to send her off to stay with her Granny but

do I do? How do I set my

would uhm, love to sleep right now, we are

is? Fine then! Nothing really bothers you about me

hind you”Mrs Peggy

ith tears in her eyes. She wasn’t ready for the stress

ther for a long time? She didn’t know how that

ny and still figure my life out”. Sh

om, talking to herself

as soon as she got in a

t took you so l

er and noticed her eyes

you? Katie? Talk to me! Tell me. What did

at Karen, sat on the bed crying. She

tired” she said

he tears? You been crying

wants me relocat

? To where”


ng with her, is sh

tired of staying alone in that big house and

once. Today’s been a hell of a day.

er that too. She says she needs her drugs too,so I gott

. She really wanted to talk but had nothing to say. Her confidant was leavin

e Katie was and held her

romise. I love you so much”

could figure out a hang out spot too, if that’s cool with you. I would always be w

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