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Letting The Odds Win

Chapter 2 One

Word Count: 1405    |    Released on: 29/10/2021


overing my face with the pillow, bu

ening the door to which he smiled and p

y. You can’t escape it just because today is a holiday.” He

leep.” I mumbled,

s on how a business man should spend the l

ssman even in his sleep.”

erwise, I am not going to give you this ticket.”

id you?” I asked, reaching n

ast and in the evening I will even come a

my friend.” I

ted as an explanation and

laces and I so I knocked on Bhai’s door on the way to which he immediately ope

he client?” Dad as

ten to our deal.” I repli

w the client?” he asked, turning to

meeting and get this client so

, but he just shook his head and

ly. We need to go shopping today.”

y and what is the need?

ry bad joke, but she shook her head

d to upgrade ourselves with the fashion developments. And you are really go

nd I don’t know how long will it take

there was a complete silence ar

now?” he ask

, Dad.” Bhai finally e

t?” he asked with a

hat I couldn’t help but l

t Bhai just gave him a

ide eyes and I wish he would stop that because

aying that Dad stood up

have stayed at home at least on S

need to meet the charity organization today.” Saying th

id, sighing and leaned bac

are becoming even more dist

f them talking about society or about some new peo

n today.” He

he drama school.” I said,

ure business man never does drama. So, I decided to unleas

because of one of your dates.” I sa

ut I can’t say the same about tomorrow. Who knows, I may meet someone toda

ke completely normal.” I said, looking up and walked


e living room, but my Bhabhi continued to w

” Mom asked, reaching the dining table wi

opera in the morning?”

ay and you only suggested we record it and watc

g with Dad and Bhai disturbing my reading.” I poin

and saw Dad and Bhai walking towards the dining

morning?” Dad asked passing the living room and

her, but she just gave a shrug before helping Mo

g for tomorrow’s meeting.” D

competition tomorrow. So, it would be better if everyon

volve in presenting the idea to the client

we call you and wait for you to reach?” he ask

reakfast and that too on holiday.”

anything to me. Well, the perks of being Mom’s favor

and Bhai left the dining area finishing their

by doing one thing.” Bhabh

asked her

. So, we both thought of having a television in your room. Y

in one of your rooms?”

s. Can’t you do this for your poor mother?” Bhabhi

now that I will do everything.” I sai

t is your duty to get one and don’t use my name.” I added

if it for Mom, then it doesn’t matter at all! I thought, smiling and reached my ro

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