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Letting The Odds Win

Letting The Odds Win


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 488    |    Released on: 29/10/2021

entering the cabin,

asked in a

ing…” he couldn’t finish when she

ming me if something wrong goes with that also.” She

is she doing this? She thought taking

my duty according to the contract and that is for next one year. Let’s just igno

lking near to her table

me Anusha or Ms. Bindla.” She s

ha.” He said to which she s

did. I mean for the way I ruined your life, wha

nusha?” he asked, frown

t comfortable. Hell! I forced you to marry me, didn’t I? No wonder you

never like that. I was…” he couldn

near me otherwise I will dissect it as I wish. Now, if you can excuse me, I need to work an

she calmly added, “I am not asking you to leave as a tit for tat for the way you showed me. Whatever I do or say wou

energy drained out with just five minutes. And she knows so well he

e are thinking or at least what he is thinking after living wi

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