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Mated To An Alpha

Chapter 5 So precious

Word Count: 1087    |    Released on: 29/10/2021

mind about her running away, trying to balance her breath she look round the

on the tree, mama said as dream walkers we can feel what o

up at the tree I smile " you will be okay " retreating my hands I walk away, col

hate the dark, hearing a strange sound I turn and look at

to " are you a dream walker??" Hearing the voice I stop, what mama said was right, a

came out shak

eat her and have it done with" I pray silently for some sort of light, so that I could see them an

like the worst nightmare anyone could ever want " she sees us" the creature f

nt it " my hands unconsciously move to my necklace and before they could think twice I start runn

ant a si

tree but not too hard to lose consciousness " she fell" they giggle draw

he cliff, water flowing below " end of the road little one " hearing th

l me but when my move my hands to touch it my eyes widen knowing is n

ing deep into the water, am not a good swimmer I can't hold my breath for a long t

verywhere and that of two ghouls, following her scent Killian bend down, a frown creep slowly to his fa

yes, I failed to protect yet another person in my life, throwing the amethyst awa

se alpha"

be right, the ceiling white in colour, my gaze move to my left a huge cupboard, closed and locked. Turning my head

my forehead " does it hurt??" I shake my head gently

she pull my head to her chest while I cry my heart out, I

us safe, okay " I nod my gaze move to the door, a girl my age standing there,

" she is really my sister?? I

e " you have been asleep for a week now and we decided to keep you " he bend down and smile at me " h

art ways with me " thank you Sir " I

you feel free you can tell us what happened " a smile come to my lips, I kn

tears " thank you " this is

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