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Planned Baby

Planned Baby

Author: Annehyeong

Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 1196    |    Released on: 04/11/2021

you will see dancing bodies tangled together. You will also see


nd gatherings. I have my mini bar in my

exemption. I am he

, based on my period calendar, tonight is a high chanc

career, and I had no time for love. Also, most

aduated as summa cum laude. I was about to have my speech when I received a call; it's from th

my parents' company. I'm an Engineer and an Architect. I love doing designs

never come. All guys love their ego so m

n the list of successful young e

ne for six years now. I want to

s. Most of the stories were about a girl who got pregnant be

way, I will have a family. I don't need to look for a suitable partner, and

e was a bit shocked by my question, but I just shrugged. I don't care about what p

b, I need to find a guy

I immediately rejected them after scann

. I need to find a guy! I don't know what type of

nd I'm getting impatient h

, trying to find a guy I can flirt

t like the other guys I met a

ess. I sai

felt someone touching my wai

nd of like his smell. He keeps on

ot! Maybe h

s face. I hope his looks are good e

eyes widen when I saw the fa

he one! I need to

ow good-looking he is. He clenched

p brown eyes, thick eyebrow, pointed nose

biting my lips though I l

pulling his face to meet mine. Our lips are just an in

or mine?"


," I a

aptured my lips before h

d our hotel room—a gentle k

tarting to unzip my dress and unclasp my

about my body. I know that I have a good and

ered, and then he gav

on the peak of my breast—fee

ed and started to t

r name, bab

need to know. This is

brow furrowed. "If

nt of me. I saw his th

ll I still be al


yebrow. "O-of

of my stuttering. Do I look sca

ckle. "Is this

. Will he stop if he knew that it

?" I sai

got panic. No! No!

l not cling to you. You'll

him. Oh, no, plea

s my pleasure being your first, and I'

smiled at

ust going

Getting impat


ng something, a

since it's my first time, I want to feel your

e it

"If my bab



© Annehy

ghts r


products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance

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