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Chapter 2 TWO

Word Count: 1911    |    Released on: 05/11/2021

he realization of what h

een tr

he'd done in the last six months was picking up random first nam

iding from his kinds, bu

uette figure that had called him n

an, but they'd finally gotten what they wanted after a

ut it'd been automatically locked and the only way

but the man didn't bulge nor said anything

stay put to make this easier

omrade Xavier Mon

u're, open this fucking car

at?" Xavier

re on a strict rule to bring you back to the

, but Xavier ignored his rude comment

specific instructions to bring you back to the academy an

the man ignited the

mise to feed you to the Stri

avier scoffed while Luca

out if t

m, as the driver had already started the car and was hitting the

to drag Lucas from the man, so did the ot

ucas yelled as all four of

iver. Finally, he did, but the poor driver who'd in the cause of the fig

man, as his head had almost hit the dashboar

t." He retorted in anger and with his hand still on the s

weren't hurt?" He asked them,

r to him there were four in the car. He turned immediately and he was met with the disdainf

ked the man, castin

any silly stunt again, cause you'll only be hurting yourself more as my p

dded to Xerxe's order and started the car to continue the drive, but Lucas, being the ar

he grabbed Lucas's hair from be

while still holding a handful of

tely, Xavier produced the syrin

d with fear, but masked i

on't d

im still, he motioned his brother to go ahead an

sors, do you

he was no match for a Blood Master 7 holder and all he did was futile. Immediately Xavier injected the su

front of him was the iron wrought gate of the Elites Acade

m six months ago. This place hold so many memories for him, both good and bad and for the past six month

right in front of the water fountain that held the st

he back of the car, he opened the door and st

sun." Xavier said to him and Lucas snatche

but he only sighed and put up the black umbr

the car looked ar

d in the fresh a

back." He said a

to h

mething but he was inte

ing." He reminded him and

, Royal pain-in


small gate while Xavier waited for Luc

cipal's office, he was

man and so did Xavier but Lucas just stared at the ma

lled angrily and Lucas s

ncipal Szelsku."

s Oze

eed to ask me why I'd ran away from the sch

is tone showed great disrespect that annoyed Xerxes so much he wanted nothing than to smack the boy across th

mete out your punishment, it

e about you

I don't."

ed ad the boy's disrespect ha

ers y

hatever you call yourself, there's non here for

lad's words " the principal cal

ve one after the loss of your guardian and then, the Queen would address yo

dn't need in his life righ

together with Declan, they shared more of a family relr

lacing Marco and truth being told,

any guardian."

man world for six months without no guard

you'd met with a Strigoi." Xerx

asons we should

trigoi and get killed or worst turne

't nee

last of the Ozera bloodline, it's both yours and our responsibi

do yours, you won't want your family name to go extinct, it would be very pa

ke preparation for the prince's new guar

a to his room, he

he dismisse

ong them. Nikolai and Lucas had a bad blood between them and they don't tolerate each other, no

and as well annoy Lucas, he sn

ome him with a round of applause." He announce

sked him, turning away from Xavier t

s's swift punch only made him swallow h

y." He warned with fury and walked away from Nikolai's

earing to incure Lucas's wrath and have him lash out on them. They watch him go back to Xavier and they continu

we'll meet again and you'll

eeth as he watched Luca

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