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Alina .J. Vanette

Alina .J. Vanette's Books(6)



Demon Don was everything a man would dread messing with and a woman would fall in lust with. He was as handsome as he was as deadly and dangerous. He was a cold and hard profiled serial killer, the best in the game. However, when he was offered the unusual job of protecting the children of a former drug syndicate, he'd to get help as he couldn't manage to take care of the four years old, Kayla and her six months old sister, Suri. Seeing Alina, the twenty two year old nun to be, he knew he'd gotten the help he'd needed. He kidnapped her, offering her the job of a governess, with no chance of refusal. Alina had accepted the job not just because he hadn't given her any option, but also because she felt the strange cosmic connection to the kids and couldn't bear leave them alone with Demon Don and his litter of blasphemous words. She couldn't wait to finish the job and return to her normal, far away from Don and all the baggage that came with him. However, fate has other plans in stock for her, because when Don who'd became not just her employer, but an acquaintance and her protector, started asking for things which were beyond her reach. Things which were against her moral upbringing and against her drive and her goals for life. Alina was torn between succumbing to his earthly and lustful desires or standing her righteous ground against them. Not only was she exposed to the harsh reality of life, whilst working with Don to protect the two endangered kids, but she was exposed to secrets from her past, which were unknown to her, forcing her to take a life changing decision.


Young Adult
Lucas Ozera isn't your normal teen. He is a member of the ancient vampire race, the Morois and unlike several morois, his family are among the Moroi Secret Society that make up for royalty. With him being the only one left in his family after their tragic death, he's next in line for the royal seat. Not feeling safe enough in the Elite Academy, the school he'd spent almost all his life, learning all he needs to know about being a moroi and leading his race, Lucas fled to the human world to live as a normal human being, with no responsibilities, no obligations and no entitlement. Unless, he's far from your normal human being as he got caught after six months of hiding in the human world and he was brought back to the academy, where he's believed to be safe. With a new dhampir guardian, Danila Kirova, a witty, smart mouth, exquisite, strong and bad ass teenager who was assigned to him by the Gaurdian Council, Lucas knew for once his life have gotten a lot much worst as he have met his match. He'll do everything within his power to get rid of her but instead, it'll only bring her closer to him cause she's more than just his guardian. Lucas discovered of his undeclared magic and with Danila by his side, they ventured to find out about this rare magical power and declare it to the vampire society. However, learning more about this magic wasn't as easy as it seemed, as secrets from the past would be unfolded and they would be breaking rules that hadn't been broken for several centuries in the vampire race.