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The Desired Woman

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1532    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

treet, and, aided by his gold-headed ebony cane, ascended the steps of the wide veranda, where he sto

, Marse John?

the horses for to-day,

, and rub th

ive years of age, slender and erect, had iron-gray hair and a mustache and pointed goatee of the same shade. He was hanging his hat on the carved mahogany rack in the hall when Jincy,

Irene?" he

o answer when a resp

ou come up here? I've been washing my hair; I've l

aid, crustily. "I put myself out to make that trip down-town for y

plied. "I know you have no very bad news, or you

holder, and turned into the library, where he again e

g that stuff into my lungs on a day like this. There is enough

amusement the yellow girl restored a vase to

I want to read my paper, and you make me ner

ncy suggested, as she stood he

ick times for this sort of work when I'm out of the house. My life is one eter

e down the steps and entered. She was above medium height, had abundant chestnut hair, blue eyes, a good figure, and regular features, the be

th her work. Now she will go to the kitchen and hinder the cook. If you only knew how much trouble servants are to manage you'd be more tactful. Half a dozen women in

the head-lines over his nose-glasses. "You don't seem

eps three at a time. Do you know everybody is laughing over your interest in Dick Mostyn? Why, you are getting childish about him. I'm not so sure

under the weather to-day if he hadn't overworked, but he is all right now. The doctor says he only needs

do every bit as well," Irene laughed

really do care for each other I can't see why you rea

d as she glanced at him mischievously. "You must really not meddl

is, you may as well tell me. I simply am not going to put up with that fellow's impudence. People think you care for him-do yo

promised you not to think of Andy in-in any serious way?" she faltered. "His mother and sister are nice, and I don't want to offend them. You

fluenced by his puppy love to make a fool of yourself. Besides, he's in the way. He took you to a dance not long ago when Mosty

nto the general gravity of her face. "Andy had asked me a month before," she s

r in the State, and she's playing with you like a cat with a mouse. They want my money, I tell you-that's what they are after

her hair around her head and began to fasten it with a ha

ome to-to an understanding, but it is all right. I know I must be sensible, and I intend to be. I'm more practical than I look. Now, here is what I am going to propose. Andy Buckton may be at Atl

you knew posit

u do, with all your business dealings together. Now, that will have to s

reath of relief. "This is the first time you eve

, with a look of abstraction in her eyes, "and

uaver in her voice, of which she seemed slightly

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