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Sinful Indulgence Book 3

Chapter 5 05

Word Count: 1861    |    Released on: 10/11/2021

ring this up. It's a subject I never want to

e that part to me," I say, a

I'm just curious. Well, I want t

" I suggest but laugh after

chness of her laughter

at part. It has made me guilty until now. After al

n't worry

ontinued yo

psychologist who helped me overcome the emotional trauma of my sexual pathology. And according to her, the causative factor of that disorder was m


mind from this guilt. Just please be honest with

You have nothing

e being your ex-wife, can you please

. But perhaps because I'm still a man, and she's talking about sex, not to mention s

y confess since I can't bear it in

ut she manages to shut it quickly,


My longing for her overflows, though I know, she can never be mine

, but Ella is w

ive me a quick stare. I feel she wants to say s

is it,

ay. And I realize it's because I address h

g to me. I thought you

ve you always

. "Bye, Zed. I guess we have nothing more to t

he'll always be you. However, I on

n right away and head to my room. I always have a personal space in every branch of my coffee shops,

se I have been drowning my sorrows with overwork, I have forgotten this part about me. And I don't want to think

n toss it into a laundry basket. All I can see at the ba

creaks open. I glance over my shoulder, and I see Yen roo

mes Mori is now sentenced to some years

y mind. I take wide strides to get

t," I say, stari

ignore that. Instead, I cla

her. And I am still h

me away. But I'm already too

over her body. I don't know what has

So much," I murmu

until she stops fighting. I've never been so agg

he kiss. Her eyes grow wide as soon as her back lands on the soft c

lls on deaf ears. I continue kissing

while my tongue dances with hers. I know this is sin, but I can't help indulging myself in this free mom

o my surprise, she stops resisting but never responding

or years. I steal glances at her, and I see that she closes her eyes.

long there, moving from one begging mound to another – an act I never did in the past. I haven't forgotten that I used

mp after short foreplay. Premature Ejac

s. I used to lick her there directly, but now I'm doing it according to her wishes in the past. And I go on

er nails sinking into my shoulders, I suck h

I spend a long time re-exploring Yen. I position myself between her legs, pu

o know if I am healed already. I'm not also sure, but I'm going to know soon.

dear. I can't believe it! I last this

wentieth, I grin.

e, though she doesn't say anything. And I k

our position, flipping her over. She gets tighter this way, so it makes me eager to tak

g the squirts I unloaded inside her.

. Finally!" Ye

for this, but she doesn't. I hug her tight as soon a

won't say sorry becaus

healed, I can already rest from my guilt. You know this is wrong; I


country to stay w

r a while. "Is i

urb her peace, so maybe she's l

king over h

minded me that she's the sole he

f. "How do your adoptive pa

een crying for months, but eventually, she has a

. Her parents lose their right to her as parents, while I lose mine as

, and guilt is wr

know I had betrayed you in the past, but th

still lo

. "Don't. Don't do

clothes. Then, she takes a lingering lo

much to me, but she belongs only to my past. And whether I like it or n

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1 Chapter 1 012 Chapter 2 023 Chapter 3 034 Chapter 4 045 Chapter 5 056 Chapter 6 067 Chapter 7 078 Chapter 8 089 Chapter 9 0910 Chapter 10 1011 Chapter 11 1112 Chapter 12 1213 Chapter 13 1314 Chapter 14 1415 Chapter 15 15 Yen16 Chapter 16 1617 Chapter 17 1718 Chapter 18 1819 Chapter 19 19 Zed20 Chapter 20 2021 Chapter 21 21 Ella22 Chapter 22 2223 Chapter 23 2324 Chapter 24 2425 Chapter 25 2526 Chapter 26 26 Ella27 Chapter 27 2728 Chapter 28 2829 Chapter 29 29 Yen30 Chapter 30 3031 Chapter 31 31 32 Chapter 32 3233 Chapter 33 3334 Chapter 34 34 Zed35 Chapter 35 3536 Chapter 36 36 Ella37 Chapter 37 37 Ella38 Chapter 38 38 Zed39 Chapter 39 39 Zed40 Chapter 40 40 Zed41 Chapter 41 41 Yen42 Chapter 42 42 Yen43 Chapter 43 4344 Chapter 44 44 Ella45 Chapter 45 45 Ella46 Chapter 46 46 Ella47 Chapter 47 47 Ella48 Chapter 48 48 Ella49 Chapter 49 4950 Chapter 50 5051 Chapter 51 51 Zed52 Chapter 52 52 Zed53 Chapter 53 5354 Chapter 54 54 Ella55 Chapter 55 55 Ella56 Chapter 56 56 Ella57 Chapter 57 57 Zed58 Chapter 58 58 Ella59 Chapter 59 5960 Chapter 60 60 Ella61 Chapter 61 6162 Chapter 62 62 Ella63 Chapter 63 63 Ella (unedited)64 Chapter 64 64 Zed (unedited)65 Chapter 65 65 Zed (unedited)66 Chapter 66 66 Yen (unedited)67 Chapter 67 67 Yen68 Chapter 68 68 Yen (unedited)69 Chapter 69 6970 Chapter 70 7071 Chapter 71 71 Zed72 Chapter 72 72 Zed73 Chapter 73 73 Zed74 Chapter 74 74 Zed75 Chapter 75 75 Zed76 Chapter 76 76 Zed77 Chapter 77 77 Ella78 Chapter 78 78 Special Episode 1 : (Ara's POV)79 Chapter 79 79 Special Episode 2: (Ara's POV)80 Chapter 80 80 Special Episode 3: (Ara's POV)81 Chapter 81 81 Special Episode 4: (Ara's POV)82 Chapter 82 82 Special Episode 5 : (Ara's POV)83 Chapter 83 83 Special Episode 6 : (Ara's POV)84 Chapter 84 84 Special Episode 7 : (Ara's POV)85 Chapter 85 85 Special Episode 8 : (Ara's POV)86 Chapter 86 86 Special Episode 9 : (Ara's POV)87 Chapter 87 87 Special Episode 10 : (Ara's POV)88 Chapter 88 88 The Epilogue