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Idalia (the secrets of the whispers)

Chapter 2 Welcome to Willow Spring

Word Count: 2402    |    Released on: 11/11/2021

air. I giggled as I looked out of the tinted window. We were finally in Willow Sp

on Lance's University wasn't a known university and certainly didn't have much worth, but it was for bonding. Judith was the only one w

" Judith said sarcasti

for real, it's going to be fun!"

ee my excited and joyful gr

ith, be glad about the new adventu

fed, "we don't have to come here because Tori said to. Couldn't she have sent us t

s, eight high schools, five junior high and enough nurseries. It also have enough exciting places and the town is

t's amazing,

s or rather, act like one? I don't want to let go of my fabulous dress style," she whined, "and next, I don't want to have to st

ically, your issue is you studying hard when you can easily get someon

ly have the poorest degree in the history

She shouted, throwing her hands up in the air. "At least

e exams thrice," Emy said jest

ill, don't stress the conversation.

ike books! I'm allergic to book

e tinted the lower part of her hair red and weaved it into cornrows to make it

anoid than usual, what's up with y

you that myself, what is wrong wi

id," Judith said as

olved." I knew where this was going, they were going to

that?" Judith asked unnervedly, "yo

swings are signs of pregnancy?" Em


asingly. Judith choked on her saliva while I broke int

odel that looks like a ha

bamboo with the

Judith screeched angri

you in yo

age laughed stiflingl

hat she is gonna be a momm

nant! What am I

lot," Emy sighed lazily. Judith huffed throu

oke up with Nicholas! And that

th a satisfied nod, "tho I can't figu

er baby knows it mother is too scrawny to manage a big stomach, Judith wil

udith screamed furiously. That did

mall to come out?" Sage cried, "I

phew, one as fat as

I'm going to be

other, I am. You can manage the aunt

been there for Judith, even

tears. I sank down with my hand on my

t guys, stop stre


ed with hands raised,

ago?" Emy gasped. Judith's ruddy face turned pale instantly. We

two cabs, one for our luggages, (by our, I mean Judith's and Em

xclaimed in shock, "I thought we were going to stay

we were going to live in a yard or

we have to live completely low. This house belongs

ses in movies that is always haunted, a place where only one

dith scoffed. The house was a dark painted Queen Anne's styled Victorian house, a house located deep in a

miss?" The cabman asked with a little worry

it is an ha

nderstood the harshness in my tone. I opened the door and stepped out, breathing in the fresh air.

pt, like no one had been in there for hundreds of years, but yet th

clean up won't do,"

, "I'm not cleaning anyt

said to herself. I ignored them, eve

ged, and nagged, and nagged and whined and cried, but she did her part. In the morning, we arranged our clothes and the kitchen and was finally done by dust. We ha

al dress style was rebel punk and gothic vintage, but she bought a whole new style of clothes. Sporty chic and tomb

Judith had honey blonde hair and cornflower blue eyes, the reason she was called honey. Our hairstylist dyed her hair black and wore her coal

lasses. She normally had her hair in waves, but straightened it. Then she changed her flam

yed my hair or liked any other colour than my natural cinnamon and ginger crinkly hair. So the only thing I had to do was wear glasses over my steel blu

to begin a n

h we


We were getting ready for classes, a week after we arrived at Willow Spri

y forever time! Wear the sheath

it wouldn't bring out my eyes, and I don't like dots..." She gasped

ar. She always found it difficult to pick an outfit to anywhere. Victoria and her personal stylist used

o dresses again, "should I wear the pink ruffle


wworm with the green? You kno

wanted something

ar all the colou

ol, you are Cheryl McC

is my never us

the point Emy, use a name that the internet does


g to wear the

he pink," she struck

change your min

ra or strapless green? But again, I like blue and yellow so that's an


t shoes should I wear? I say blue but what blue?" She headed to h


our of sharks." She s

h thing as shark blue,

many greens to pick from. Should I wear moss or hunter or... Oh m

h, Emy, t

dove grey bag or... Candy! You are not e

my life," I sobbed, "and

it out my frustration. She was impossible to get to, impossible to annoy or even unde

ees immediately, my heart sank to my stomach. "What is it?"

irror," I replied with a dry swallow of saliva. Emy h

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