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Word Count: 1031    |    Released on: 12/11/2021


as I entered the Starry hub. I immediately went up

as a response. And I stepped closer to them and I sat in a positio

tty. Philip Aragon said smiling and handed me a gla

C has many projects, in

got lost here today," Damon rep

so he made time with the gang!"

d on the couch I was sitting on and was silent for a

ked that made me frown but I still chose to just listen to them. Because

Happy dude, she's perfect, an

, what idiot bastards of a friend I have. I just shrugged it

u going?" I s

here he was looking, and there! I saw a woman, a sophisticated one,

my gaze to where she was going. She looks familiar, but I

eautiful woman when I jus

y attention back to him, but

d at th

irst love," Apollo and Philip

nd looked at Zanj

tillan?" I asked. He just lo

ment, he really looks pr

p asked Zanjo. He just bowed his head,

still love Betina ... the feeli

about that? Think carefully f

e, just look at our dearest Atty. Aragon. . .

with my life..." Philip immediately appealed

They're all a mess, so sometimes I just want to be alone. I just shrugged and looked back at the dance floor, and I saw again the wom

jandro!" Apollo said

ows the w

friends looked at me, as if they were saying where in the world I

? So I looked again at the woman's direction. Maybe she’s really a fa

g!" Gonzalo said sudde


uietly listening to them while just staring at the dance floor,

rd my name so I looked back at Gonzalo

?" I replied with a frown b

the new hotel I'm going to build?" he suddenly a


's just a simple statement coming

ness. So all his proposals have a replacement, and I am willing to take it, whatever it is,

me, Engr. Well, i

at him and s

led our are

!" He said, like it is the most simple thing to do on ea

just a nigh

mptied the wine in my gla

I said seriously and t

say, "Fuck? You real

nswered him

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