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Immortal [BJYX Fan Fiction]

Chapter 4 Creature In A Long Robe

Word Count: 1230    |    Released on: 14/11/2021

the west side of the hotel and smoking. Not long afte

asked after a while. "We have been monitoring for two days

nd travelled through the powerful p

aying because Wang Yibo was just staring into the em

g, Kape! What's your problem

e. Is that because of Xiao Zhan? My Prince, that's no longer a joke."

nking. Don't worry about me," Wa

iend intently before enteri

eep thought there on the balcony. He

trange in the surrounding

round and a large acacia tree that serves as a r

ead covering was present and standing. He looked up and stared grimly at a room on t

as one o'clock in the morning. He glanced at his target and soo

m where he was standing and he was next seen

ence. With the use of his senses, he followed that strange feeli

eature could not feel him. He could clearly observe from his pla

member of a cul

eature and he realized it was looking up and

floor. Wang Yibo just watched silently and hid his aur

ddenly disappeared from the place he was standing and next he saw

grinned. His red eyes blazed as he whi

power. He felt no enemy so he calmly held the knife and was about to enter the room when suddenly

the neck by a man with burni

holding a knife?!" scolding of the handsome man w

the hooded creature's n

and hungry, you are enough to quench my thirst

the man choking him! He was the Prince of vampires i

otherwise he would surely d

se. I'm just doing

try lying your answer!'' The vampi

er Xiao Zhan. I'm only a slave in th

innocent person was the target of the villain. In addition, t

stupid! You are

. His mouth growled at the extreme anger he felt. The dim light from the roo

l him. "You are so brave you wicked! You will be held account

wish, just don't kill me. I have nothing again

ame alert. He suddenly felt the powerful presence of his vampire fr

e in danger?!" Ka

htly. He sensed his friend's whereabouts using

eature. When he saw Wang Yibo's frightening aura that would surely kill at any moment, he immedi

ape disappeared from the balc

tation to paralyze the body of the creature and mostly, to hide it

heir faces as the creature sha

t worse. Thank me for saving your life or else you're now a dead meat if

Prince is so angry. Maybe it's not just because he's hungry?" He turned to



the creature

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