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Immortal [BJYX Fan Fiction]

Chapter 5 The Visitor

Word Count: 952    |    Released on: 14/11/2021

, "My foolishness! Your whole senses ar

shrimp as he looked in the mirror hangin

I come out

ared in Wang Yibo's place after sensing the strange p

e glanced at the creature wh

why he cannot st

re on what he saw. Perhaps Kape Magno didn't realize that he was naked when he

sting dumbass!" Wang Yibo tries to dismiss h

cold enveloping his body. He glanced at the cl

as taking care of something in the neig

comfortable than with clothes while sleeping. However, it was very co

balcony. He then thought deeply and asked himself, "Di

Xiao Zhan pulled back the curtain and was about to c

h!!!" Xiao Z

s paralyzed. Good thing, he already transfo

balcony as well and he was very surprised when Xiao Zhan suddenly pul

t was too

he quickly went in and covered Xiao Zha

st me, Wang Yibo, the most han

d at the conf

nervousness caused by the villain with sore ey

s clothing. There was only one piece covering Xiao Zhan's body that evokes the beauty of

tly, "Why do I w

is so be

floor after feeling Xiao Zhan

intend to covet me?!" Xiao Zhan's nose smoke

no!!" Wang Yibo'

a gentle voice, he repeated the question,

fess the truth. So he made an alibi, "First, I didn't really know it was your room. It was because I saw something that looked

to believe what he explained but he

rning comes so that I can wat

n the long sofa on the side of the room just nea

belief followed his gaze at the disturbing v

e Xiao Zhan believe that he was already asleep. Despite his closed ey

of his friend Kape who had bee

to sleep. However, Wang Yibo unco


e could not control himself. The hypnotism he felt was s

ng Yibo looked at Xiao Zhan's closed eyes and w

urge, Wang Yibo care

ps and whispered, "Forgive me f

man. He initially just wanted to taste Xiao Zhan's lips but he couldn't separate himsel

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