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I am the child of a monster!

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1912    |    Released on: 17/12/2021

rated. I missed you so much. Now, we ca

rass and grabbe

! S

ell off and got replaced by human flesh. It

forming into

middle; causing him to scream miserably for a

e clear blue a

an waist, broad shoulders with a snak

was gone, and he got up an

o meters in height. His ears

scious Cheryl with a mean

glad that I met you. You will carry

re off her


up in an unf

five times bigger than

head spun for a moment. Th

here, or was i

r eyes and pi

ied. It wasn't

on drip too! What happened t

she called out

ady dressed in a black suit and gray h

. Her hair was tied in a simple bun, b

elax while I go alert the young master for you." th


's entrance door before

here?" she thou

' and why was she referred to as 'yo

stern-looking lady came back in and waited th

the knees, red t-shirt with a gold dragon's logo, a silver chain around his neck, silver

peony perf

and partly tied in place with a white j

and looked like som

lid 8 packs couldn't be h

ight she was beholding. Such a man e

chair beside the bed. He looked at the drip ba

re playing in her head. She felt she had committed a

Uh...." she

we took you here." the man explained. His voicewas m


when we saw you. What did y

he tried to recall what happened

ts?" the man a

!" she managed to sa

ou might remember. By the way,

e replied. "Thanks for saving me. I

elp a vulnerable person. And what

but I really want

n't eat tha

d delicious. Sorry for the trou

houlders after ris

La-la land isn't a crime eith

room with the stern-looking lady wh

anded here with this hot pie. She tried recalling previous events but anoth


a lunch box in his hand. He plac

st asleep and a smile

t the scars on her face did no

the bed and touched her f

ture's okay"

her forehead, she opened

." he said and re

nted to the

ied to get up, bu

you. So relax!" he offered, bu

lease, just let me eat by myself," sh

ss, I

a steel cooler and carefully opened it to reveal golden fried noodles.

oon's noodles. Where did you

out there. I can cook as well." he said whi

d her to open her mouth. When she obe


eighbourhood. The driver's door opened, and a man attired in grey suit, Teal Blue

r on the right and two feet wearing silver heels came down first. The

nd closed the back

tall, lean backside, but she had some curves. It's

net stockings. She wore a Yellow t

red hair is nek length and held in place by a blue hair band. T

o say 'Hello' to my friend,

gate of the twin duplex. She took out a badge from her purse and

placed the badge back in her purse and w


e main li

pretty lady; contrasting the white color of the Walls and chairs. T

to a certain point. She then looked back down a

al doors and finally got to a

certain golden door with the c

oor to see Shane feed

d she was already full. The young lady dropped her purse, which

yl as they turned to see th

have called," Shane said as he gently

hom we will now refer to as Neri

t you, miss," Cherryl said in a

usted by the scar

y with scars was an eyesore. She was only away for a week and then t

are those fake eyelashes of yours obstructing your view? Better take them off so you can see clearly." Shane

She is an ugly lowlife. Not worthy of your attent

ensitive to the predicament of others? She is a woman like you. Nerissa Ferryson,

ed in a black gown adorned paired with red and white s

what are your orders?" she

e she deserves. Make sure she look


wasn't some item. Was he also saying that she wasn't as pretty as that scarred, ugly lady on the b

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