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I am the child of a monster!

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1404    |    Released on: 17/12/2021

excuse us." Shane said and took the d

the chairperson once again and

r last!" he finally s

he bodyguard

with something." he sai

or you." she said with

ure enough, the moment Shane left, Nerissa and her group c

d at the bodyguard, thinki

nothing can be done anymore. He's got only me in his heart. Shane said that you were blind the last time we met. You s

u speak such words

l am?" Nerissa

he crucial lead who captured the prince charm

wanted to hit the bodyguard on her face

This makes me lose my a

n Cheryl's hair. The others threw their wine onto

she pointed at

cident. Show us some mercy, will you?"

my turn now. I also have a gift for you, my de

recall this till you

sa six fast, inescapable

eamed, attracting e

t was on them. All saw that the rig

k and looked at 'Ch

iolence at a party?" the

stors bitches and wizards, and threatened to burn me alive. Can't I become angry?

ieve her lies." one of Nerissa's

saying that..." 'Cheryl' landed a fierce punch on Nerissa's left c

Cheryl was this strong. So do

her? That's why he

uard said as she beat the other 5 girls and br

es and ruined her hair, cutti

d returned. Nerissa smiled in he

eing me in this state. I'll now number your days with

ne asked again when

Just because we asked her to sho

a said were different. Who was telling the t

How can you do this at a party? And when did

dden her somewhere you can't find easily. Dare you lay your

that my Shane

heard and they all turne

to toe. The spotlight was on her immediately and many were curious to k

ane to walked towards the newcom

dess! So beautiful. How could such a per

rue fiance," he announc

ndeed a match

got a go

d she blushed, causing their heart

e Cheryl took off he

, so he devised this plan. Luckily, Nerissa here did not fail to play her role. Forgive me for bei

ll on the floor, was

ard., The one they were supposed to embarrass was untouched and looking hot. She was

were throwing disgusted looks at her like she was some uninvited pig who cras

e souls to get treament. Th

nd carried the battered girls on the

! I hate you Cheryl. You bitch! I wish you'd be cut by a thousand daggers.

urned to fac

llow me and my beloved Cheryl to grace you with my latest song.

audience cheered

it's been long since he sang in public. This new song was definitely going to be a blast. They

second of his singing. Plus they were going to hear another voice

the stage where they we

up to reveal instruments and musicians,

he audien

hat a nice surprise. We appreciate it. Can't wait to see wha

nt with bright smiles which soon faltered. They

d playing his accordion slo

ad a sorrowful

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