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The Eureka Stockade

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 477    |    Released on: 29/11/2017


stand and describe this shouting of "Joe," unless

ep, and left a licensed mate or two at the windlass. By this time, a regiment of troopers, in full gallop, had besieged the whole Eureka, and the traps under their protection ventured among the holes. An attempt to give an idea of such disgusting and contemptible campaigns for the search of licences is really odious to an honest man. Some of the traps were civil enough; aye, they felt the shame of their duty; b

style, to come out of their holes, and summoned from their tents by these hounds of the executive? Is the

of thy brow thou

e us your bosh, says my

City of London, had my rattling 'Jenny Lind' (the cradle) at a water-hole

ter of a mile up the hi

again-"Got your licence

to the knees in mullock, a

again the cheer-up from

er would you h

licence twice at each and the same licence hunt. Any one who knows me pe

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