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The Eureka Stockade

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 818    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

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ities contemplated some little disturbance, and consequently all the available force of police and mounted troopers were on guard at the hotel and made a very injudicious display of their strength. Not only did they follow, but ride through, t

n requisition to demolish the windows, until not a single pane was left entire, while every one that was broken drew a cheer from the crowd. The police, all this time, were riding round and round the hotel, but did not take any vigorous measures to deter the people from the sport they appeared to enjoy so much. The crowd advance nearer-near enough to use sticks to beat in the casements. They make an e

a window, and gesticulates to the crowd to hear him. An egg is thrown from behind a tent opposite, and narrowly misses his face, but breaks on the wall of

nd-floor. The police extinguish it; and an attempt is made to form a cordon round the building. But it is too late. Whil

chment of the gallant 40th

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t of the hotel. The troopers rid

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come, yonder

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er."-"Down she comes." The bowling alley is on fire.-Police try to extinguish the flames-rather too warm.-It's t

of the British race is to make fun of the calamity of fire, hence I d

ane that soon followed, was the principal helper to the devouring of t

ut! the roof of the back part of the hotel, falls in! "Hu

yle.-Look out! the roof, sides and all fall in!-An enormous mass of flame and smoke arises with a roaring sound

ment.-The diggers are lords and masters of Ballaa

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