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With deadly intent

Chapter 2 Kim vs. The hot date

Word Count: 1621    |    Released on: 18/11/2021

ed and murdered by someone she appered to know. H


bling to pick it up without dropping the towel, which is actually sill

.the voice on the other en

nt and I work as a forensic investigator and victim

ung woman, raped and killed. It is a very bad one, but bes

e says it’s bad, it

eally should replace one of these days, holding the phone to

ry to keep the locals from messing things up

y sure that I haven’t forgotten anything important a

and Chris. I grab a chocolate chip cookie too

I get a hold of a couple of the local guys and tell them to start asking around to find out if anyone ha

we have here". I ask Chri

thing out of a glossy magazine or one of those tv series where people in their early twenties li

eadboard above her head and her eyes a

was an actress, some smaller movies, nothing big. She has been raped quite bruta

details. "She had a hot date last night. Probably with someone new. I think we should see if we can find o

w do you know that ?

And every part of her is waxed and polished. She was expecting or hoping for something, hence the hot d

her date. She is famous enough that it should be easy to find out

ls while taking pictures and collecting evidence until,I am sure I h

ag her and take her to the morgue f

Alyssa Johnson waiting for us. She is a stern middle a

y to find him. He is some Well known actor apparently and th

th him then. Who is he ?" I ask,

on't know him, but I guess that means

he director, like he is sure she is ly

ays. "I have no idea what you are talking about, Agent Hart…isn

s. “He played Poseidon, won a lot of

pression is no dou

hard time i gaining that he is behind this murder. He just doesn’t seem the type. But of course you never know. The

has been pulled right out of bed. He is wearing jeans and a slightly rumbled short sleeved button up. The poor buttons of his shirt

d have a talk with us. I am agent Hart and this is our forensic

involuntarily notice. "No problem, only happy to help. And please call me

pushes the button to the recorder. Stating that th

able. "So Mr Davies... Noah, you had a date with Mis

ery relaxed for someone getting questioned by

she suddenly changed her mind and wanted you to leave. But she had started it and you wanted what she had promised, so y

r, staring at the agent. "Are you telling me that Ju

eaction. "With experience I have come to find out that

e getting my lawyer ?" He looks from Chris to me. Folding h

just want to ask you some questions. Like when you last saw Miss Hale ?" I say, sendin

go home. I wanted to stay. I already knew that there wouldn't be a second d

ut meeting with anyone ?" I ask him, carefull

got the feeling she was a bit disa

answers them all with alacrity and grace. He is the p

spers something in Chris's ear and then she leaves again. Chris

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