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With deadly intent

Chapter 5 Kim vs. The famous actors

Word Count: 1373    |    Released on: 18/11/2021

d and murdered by someone she clearly knew. Her nipple was remo


murder and it looks suspiciously like the last one. Just what I need, a cra

ping he will tell me it is just a coincidence and that there is no con

cut off, not bitten. Her tongue is cut out too. And the body hasn't been drenched in anything, but it might be down to lack of time

ut this time and not bitten ? I am guessing the removal of the tongue was

the local cops. "N

yfriend is pretty distraught and he says he only sa

ched in front of him. Long legs are stretched under the table, a hand running through already ruffled up

een crying. "Sure Miss Clarke". He gets up and extends his h

ell me exactly what your relationship with Miss Hudson was"

ng if it was a coincidence that these cases have me runni

ucas, Helen and I had been dating for a couple of

ew of your relationship ?" Kimberly asked

mily and closest friends kne

you did and what you saw even if it seems irreleva

e back, thinking she was probably in the shower. She always left her porch door open, you see. I have told her so many times to

”. I say encoura

o I hurried inside and…". He clamps a hand over his mouth, tears streaming down hi

do. I feel sorry for him. To find a loved one like that must be hea

ies comes into the kitchen. "I got your message and c

.. she is dead. I just needed someone, I

e… she is dead ? Oh God Lucas I am so sorry. Just tell me if I

those two are close friends. That is

sh the circumstances had been different". He turns

Is he seriously flirting

ake him home". Noah is looking at me in a way that

hold Lucas here any longer. "He is free to go. We will call him if the

oah sends me a

ll if you need me to tell you anything e

just saw leaving ?" Chris

tly they are friends. Mr Ande

ubtful. "What a coincidence to see him lurk


em to find similarities and differences, there is a knock on my door and our secretary Stella sticks in

members something new. I look at him as he walks through the door wearin

look at him. Oh, I surely understand why he has St

very serious. "Yeah, I have something really

ll me what it is". I motion to th

e long legs to fit. "On on

feet. But I have to admit that he is unusually charming. It is something in his smile an

ng a hand through his hair, then rubbing his neck. At last he lets out a pent up breath before conti

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