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Seducing the Star basketball player

Chapter 4 Jemima’s Pov

Word Count: 982    |    Released on: 19/11/2021


, take wherever you want baby. "Focus Jemima" I shook my head and slapped myself softly. "You know you are crazy and weird right?" He chuckled.Ulalala!l! His voice cuts through your heart.Deep and husky. "Jemima have you seen the lips?" My subconscious mind whispered to me. "Yes dummy, they are ripe ready to be kissed..." I blurted out loud. "But you already kissed them." He shook his head. I covered my face with my hands feeling embarrassed. "How is your ankle now?" He asked and that's when I redlised my foot was bandage."What happened?" I asked softly. "You were crying, I comtorted you then you kissed me..." He raked his messy hair with his fingers. This man is gloriously attractive.I need enough air to calm my screaming lung. "Was I a good kisser?" I "Are you serious?" He begun walking towards me. Pleàse stop right there or l am gonna collapse. I don't know if I can hold myself from hugging me when you are so close to me.He sat on the bed so close to me that his Scent filled my lungs.Damn, he smells so good. "What's your name?" "Jamy, vary,Jaa.I mean Jemima." "Why are you tensed?" He took my hand and place it between his,"I don't bite..You will stay here for some few days until your foot is better." I am not scared of you, it's just that your looks stuns me. "What's your name?"I stammered. He raised his eyebrow at me as it had said Something wrong. "Do you love basketball?"He asked and I shook my head in disapproval. "Do you love Drake Harrison?" What with the questions dude?l just want to know your name. "I have heard of it..."His dark eyes made me weak at my knees. Do you know any player?Did you hear about the goal in the Olympics?" "Please I just want to know your name.If you don't want tell me I can call

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