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Behind Drawn Curtains 1-2

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1732    |    Released on: 24/11/2021

. You become a teen. You start seeing the people around you as more than just normal human beings. You start knowing that you either like or dislike

ind if I

hat complimented his bright blue eyes and his messy dark hair. I started looking around im

up a little to make s

hand. “But everybody just calls me Ch

from anything that was male. I knew how their brains worked. They wanted nothing but your body. They wanted you to please them.

g?” Chris said, desperately

and took a bite out of the san

other kids are in the cafeteria,” he asked, t

id, still hoping that he wou

ould be friends?” H

bell rung and I was saved

him out of pity. The rest, as they say is history as we became best friends. We shared everything and anything. We played video games, listened to music and jumped on my bed while singing to the latest pop music that came out on YouTube. For my

ng about her life by nine in the evenings, wanting to tell us how she had to leave Chris’s father after he had an affair with some floozy. She would cry about it all night, wanting us to listen to her repeating the same story over and over

way I could go with while she went to nurse my one aunt who had a terrible fall and operation. I had to stay

I knew he would. I was awake, waiting for him. When he

room and walked over to my curtains to draw the

ked me to get out of bed before.

d. “And take off your clothes,” he added as I

es said, his hands everywhere on me as I to

pain, but I did not make a sound. I knew very wel

ructed, pressing down on my shoulders un

day he would probably want me to do this, but I hoped that he would stop. That he would neve

he little smile that he kept for when he s

t coming closer I shut my mouth again, not able t

f the tears now streaking down my f

ding. He had never done that before, probably because he knew that my mom would hear him, but she wasn’t here now. He

th open, I brought my mouth closer to him, h

ped up, ready to run and ge


my cheek, my entire face f

ed me down to the ground, my back connecting painfully with the bed behind me as he fo

as still throbbing, but it was nothing compared to the pain I felt in my throat and the corners of my mouth where it felt like he was tearing me apart. And no matter how

body shook violently and I vomited onto the carpet and over one of his f

as you’re used to it you’ll really enjoy it. I promise,” James said looking dow

he most. And if you clean all of this up like a good boy I might retur

behind trying to get the sticky out of my mouth and wondering how the hell I

e, proud of how much I enjoyed it, although I hated my body even more for responding to something I did not want. After that I had to return the favor as

it a blowjob for nothing, and I worked until my jaw was aching to satisfy him enough so that he would never come up with an even more extreme idea. I sucked and worked a full week, with only weekends off when Chris came to sleep over and won

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