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My Possessive Vampires

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1577    |    Released on: 24/11/2021

I left work early I could still make that strange meeting. I had to see just who Jas

ce. I cracked the door open and

ight of me he smiled. "Ah, Sonja, you're

it came to our boss. At least he never acted on the name though, he never once tried anything inappropriate wi

yes glittered in the low light of the room. At times like this I felt I was nothing but prey stum

ied with a shrug. "Though, I do have to ask if I can have

w. Here, I'll show pity on you. Just don't tell the others." He turned and rummaged in the fridge tucked into his o

him? "Thank you so much!" This was it, now was the chance to ask

u before, I'm having a lot of trouble finding you a similar outfit to the other g

ct the fit was, I hadn't even told him my sizes at that point. "It does, but

iled flashing his perfect white teeth.

? He was far too kind and caring of a boss for me to make h

eposit the food. "If they're not bullying you, then you don't really have a problem. Besides, ev

head. I was about to feed the stupid thing, why did it have to embarras

always running short on money, hmm? I can't have my best waitress collapsing from being too hungry. Tell me, do you need a higher

the cheapest I could afford. Everything else was far more than I made and I couldn't just

Pet. My home has an extra room and it's large enough for the both of us. You can pay me half of what you pay

more and more from me and since I'd never signed a normal lease, I had no choice. Come to think of it, Sergio had be

off half of the house for you." He waved his fork that had another piece of chicken speared through the tines. "If you're worried about me, I can give you the one and o

ce I had something that wasn't from a wrapper. It's amazing how long you could last off nutrition bars. "I couldn't possibly do that, Boss. It

n't worry, Sonja. My offer isn't vanishing anytime soon and if you change your mind I'll always take you in. I wouldn't dream of leaving you out in the elemen

hat cracked the door open glowered at me as soon as her eyes settled on me. "Oh, I didn't realize you were feeding strays again." She glanced over me a

then, I'll come out and help. Pet, please, feel fre

h, and she'd already made clear her intentions on our boss. "Thank you," I mumbled

open and shut as the lock was engaged. "What do you think


down with someone like you. You can't even manage to feed yourself on your own, or you're just so desperate for male attention you're wil

nough that she might carry out her threats. She'd tried before but my best friend had stopped her, back when she worked

day, Sergio complimented me," she smirked. "Just this once I'll let you of

as I resumed my meal. If I hurried I could still put my hours in before I rushed to the mysterious appoin

would thi

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