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My Possessive Vampires

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1680    |    Released on: 24/11/2021

get out of work at any decent hour. My stomach grumbled and I glared down at it. I had more important things to worry about than food. Besides, I'd eaten wit

nd turning the shower on full blast. I was not going to crawl into bed and get my sheets

washing the sweat and grime from my body. Grabbing my loofah I squirted some soap into

what was going on? I tipped my head back to get all of the soap from my eyes before I reached out of the shower

owel but I'd lived here for nearly a year now. It couldn't be that hard to find my way around. I stuck a foot out, toes wiggling until I found th

ike the softest whispers of the wind. Or more like

n't a

I'd come in, the door was still locked, and I lived on the 2nd floor so it was unlikely anyone had

hen, a ste

l the time when I was in the kitchen, and it never creaked without someo

ng to grab my uniform and wiggle into it. My hand came into contact with soft leather shoes and once m

, and my naked body was pulled against a clothed one. "Don't scream," whi

is kind of thing wouldn't happen. I vowed to the Gods above that if I somehow survived this I wouldn't be stu

e'll get pissed at me if I

e. Grabbing his wrist I pulled his hand a

assistant or at the very least an overworked

ething to cover myself with. Despite being in the

late, baby," purred

orward each footstep clicked against my

back of a hand brushed against my cheek as the mystery person pulled a strand of my hair forward an

r or whoev

company hours ago, and you failed to show. You were warned that there would be consequences." He chuckled in disb

to risk even more assault when I was in such a vulnerable position. Even

between the two men. Jasper tightened his hold on my hair and I gasped at the pain. "Hmmm," he moaned. "Good girl, I like the n

t of the hell I was in. I had to survive. His grip tightened on my hair again, war

wash off the remaining grime of that filthy hovel. Then you will curl up in your bed, nice and comfy, and naked just like this. I want to

gain, louder than ever. My cheeks burne

cious moments. "Was that you?" Jasper

e he wasn't going to hurt me, this time. I just had to play along, and then I'd escape. Sergio w

ke care of your teeth, then curl into bed like I ordered you to. In the morning you will contact tha

st tell me what he wanted but I hadn't been asked fo

r things. I'll have a room for you prepared next to mine. As for you

u're trying to hire me? Then why the

this face to face but you insisted on not listening to orders. I do hope you've learned that you can not def

ensed. "Master, we'

e been waiting for my dear Sonja all this time, I couldn't bear

k, still far too close to me for co

rowing firm. "That's not

im what he wanted

n the shower, and by the time you're done your meal will be waiting for you. And

p from the door. Shaking I crouched on the floor and hugged my knees close to my chest.

needed to call Sergio, and

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