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Her Forgotten Mate

Chapter 4 : Loyalty

Word Count: 1468    |    Released on: 06/12/2021

living conditions, and after a healthy breakfast of fish, eggs and bagels. With lo

rday, so she actually had less chore work this morning. She only had to clean

ch worked as her personal office and break room all in one, she wou

but she was excited. She could tell she was making progress. Tomorrow, she would be

Elizabeth reminded herself, as she sorted

he had a plan, so she le


to do as the Alpha. But today, he was d

and more importantly, what kind of person she was. This, he told himself, was purely for the safety of the pack. This healer had to

But he couldn’t place it. He had travelled to many pack territori

she wouldn’t have been searching for a pack to join. Still, he wanted to know her be

ealer rooms opened at nine in the morning. So James reasoned that she would be there, at ea

s, taking dried washing down from the

out, “Uh, hey, let m

take some sh

abeth answered, but James started takin

his arms, “Not to ask the obvious, but don

abeth laughed. “Yesterday that honor was mine, so

ames answered soberly

few stuff hanging on the line,

ahead,” Ja

sing her wolf speed, she gathered every

her, though she couldn’t see hi

’ll go in the cupboard,” Elizabeth led him into one of the patient rooms, and dir

the towels and bega

ed. “You don’t have t

You are the healer of the pack; everything you do here is for the

him for that, and nodde

uch like her normal voice, only slightly more commanding

, and mock saluted, “An

orked; how she’d arranged some things to allow for a clearer and efficient work flow. How she tried to keep th

ood worker, too. He followed everything she said to the letter, and barely questi

y day, since it made the workload so much eas

loyalty. Even if he had taken more than three years already to come back to her, she

he tried not to brush up against him as they labelled bottles and sorted throu

o be around; he was so easy to laugh wit

healer rooms, sorting through the medicines and stock they had, and making list

t came in, she made sure to thank James for everything, telling him how grateful she was for all his

atient, promising to be back so


ast patient of the day. “Good as new, and if it

moment, James came from the healer’s room, and th

a minute, before she fell into a slight half bo

then turne

sign of deference anywhere

n of respect, bowing her head slightly deeper, and ho

ealize,” sh

d him to be here, helping her sort through her dusty cabinets and fold laundry. She hadn’t

the day’s events flowed throug

didn’t. I learnt a lot today, and I don’t think you woul

f. What did he mean? What was he going to d

idn’t speak, James star

f for the day, and I wanted to say,” James paused, and waiting till she looked at him to

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